Bokito Glasses for all Zoo visitors – guerilla The Netherlands

Bokito is now a world famous gorilla, after he escaped from his enclosure in the Rotterdam Zoo May18, and tore up the zoo while attacking a woman in particular and several other people.

From the Wikiedia:

The woman who was attacked had been a regular visitor to the great apes’ enclosure, visiting an average of 4 times per week. She had a habit of touching the glass that separated her from the gorillas, while making eye contact with Bokito and smiling to him, a practice that is discouraged by primatologists, as apes are likely to interpret human smiling as a form of aggressive display. Zoo employees had previously warned her against doing this, but she continued, claiming a special bond with him: in an interview with De Telegraaf, she said “if I laugh at him, he laughs back”

Bokito was probably extremely annoyed with this woman in particular since he went after her when he escaped from his enclosure, and inflicted more than 100 bite wounds on her as well as several broken bones. The Health insurance company FBTO couldn’t wait to get in on this action and distrubuted 2.000 “BokitoViewers” at the entrance to Rotterdam Zoo, simple glasses that avoid eye contact.

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