
Ãœber stay at home mommy blogger, Heather Armstong, a.k.a. “Dooce,” is often profiled in MSM.

Today, it’s Career Journal’s turn to mine for material.

Here’s what I learned this time:

  • Shani Higgins, Technorati’s vice president of business development, estimates Dooce.com could yield as much as $40,000 a month in ad revenue from companies coveting her traffic, like BMW and Verizon.
  • Heather sometimes suffers from severe writer’s block and takes a notebook with her everywhere she goes in order to log possible ideas for her site.
  • Heather prints out nasty emails, puts them in her driveway and drives over them with her car. “That’s the attitude I have,” she says, “and it’s made my life a thousand percent better.”

Heather is also a really gifted photog, but that’s been established.

latest image from Dooce.com’s daily offering

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