Where Are All the Women? Men Overwhelmingly Took the Cannes Stage to Accept Awards

At the final awards ceremony of Cannes Lions on Friday, June 21, agency and marketing professionals from around the world took the stage to honor some of advertising’s best work. But aside from the glittering trophies and celebrations, something else was on display that night: the industry’s gender imbalance. Alltold, an artificial intelligence company with…

What ‘Corporate Pride’ Got Wrong All Along 

As a child of the ’80s and a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, every June I get a bit nostalgic. I get to observe my LGBTQ+ friends and broader network be a bit more themselves and unabashedly queer. And they do this, consciously or unconsciously, because it’s Pride Month and rainbows are popping up…

Kyle MacLachlan Forms a Cult for the Second Coming of Arby’s Potato Cakes

In 2021, a great tragedy befell the world: Arby’s removed its beloved Potato Cakes from the menu. Three years and thousands of mentions on social media later, they’re back–possibly via supernatural influence from the cosmos. In celebration of this momentous occasion, genre king Kyle MacLachlan stars in two comedic videos created by agency Fallon for…

Ad Spend Growth Slows While Some Usage Stalls: TikTok Stats Since the Ban Threat

Ad spend on TikTok year-over-year has been growing, but that growth has cooled since a potential U.S. ban was announced in March. Meanwhile, the platform’s user growth, especially among younger people, is flagging, according to data shared by five sources. TikTok’s ad spend in March–the month the potential ban was announced–was up 19% year-over-year, according…

Unwanted Sleep by Horizon9

Advertising Agency: Horizon9, Noida, India
Lead Designer: Sharat Mohan
Copywriter: Abhishek Sajwan, Kshitij Narain
Account Management: Mishpreet Kaur
Business Director: Abhishek Ghavri
Creative Director: Kshitij Narain

Unwanted Sleep by Libra Mattresses

Unwanted Sleep by Libra Mattresses
Unwanted Sleep by Libra Mattresses
Unwanted Sleep by Libra Mattresses
Unwanted Sleep by Libra Mattresses
Unwanted Sleep by Libra Mattresses
Unwanted Sleep by Libra Mattresses
Unwanted Sleep by Libra Mattresses

Why House of the Dragon’s Season 2 Marketing Fooled Fans on Purpose

HBO’s House of the Dragon Season 2 marketing is fueling the fire of discourse, leaving fans questioning everything from their allegiances to their realities. In partnership with Giant Spoon, RQ and Busterwood, HBO and Max rolled out a global campaign directly involving fans for Season 2 of the Game of Thrones prequel, making them choose…

Dove CMO and ‘Real Beauty’ Architect Alessandro Manfredi Departs

Dove’s global chief marketing officer (CMO), Alessandro Manfredi, is leaving Unilever after 28 years. The marketer is one of the architects behind the brand’s pioneering and commercially successful “Campaign for Real Beauty,” which has used advertising to challenge traditional societal beauty standards since 2004. Manfredi confirmed his departure in a LinkedIn post: “Ending my adventure…

Plant-Based Brand Field Roast Agrees With Charli XCX That It’s ‘Brat Summer’

The success of English singer songwriter Charli XCX’s sixth album, Brat, has led fans to declare that it’s “Brat summer” and start dressing the part. Plant-based sausage brand Field Roast was quick to tap into the buzz, promoting its bratwurst with a campaign from creative and media agency No Fixed Address. The effort kicked off…

This App Is Here to Welcome Everyone Amongst the LGBTQ+ Spectrum

Some members of the LGBTQ+ community may feel excluded when it comes to finding community and dating spaces. Certain places claim to support the entire community but end up catering only to a select few. Taimi is a fully inclusive LGBTQ+ dating application. It is carefully designed to help users explore their sexuality and passions….

Paramount and Skydance Near Merger Deal

Just weeks after the Paramount’s controlling shareholder and Skydance scuttled their talks about a potential deal, the two media companies have tentatively agreed to a merger.

How Roku and Formula E Set the Pace for Sports Streaming

Roku and the electric racing circuit Formula E have a relationship powered by potential, and it’s accelerating rapidly. In June 2023, Roku announced its first live sports rights deal and joined Formula E as its streaming partner. Already coupled with CBS for linear broadcasts, Formula E sought a place where fans could find not only…

How Roku and Formula E Set the Pace for Sports Streaming

Roku and the electric racing circuit Formula E have a relationship powered by potential, and it’s accelerating rapidly. In June 2023, Roku announced its first live sports rights deal and joined Formula E as its streaming partner. Already coupled with CBS for linear broadcasts, Formula E sought a place where fans could find not only…

Rob Stone, Master Marketer of Hip-Hop, Is Dead at 55

A founder of the influential music magazine The Fader, he also bridged the worlds of hip-hop and the Fortune 500 with his innovative marketing agency.

Rob Stone, Master Marketer of Hip-Hop, Is Dead at 55

A founder of the influential music magazine The Fader, he also bridged the worlds of hip-hop and the Fortune 500 with his innovative marketing agency.

After Thursday’s Debate, Conservative Media Finds It Hard Not to Gloat

Many conservative commentators have said President Biden’s performance during the debate was a sweeping validation of the alarm bells they’d been ringing for years about his age.

After Thursday’s Debate, Conservative Media Finds It Hard Not to Gloat

Many conservative commentators have said President Biden’s performance during the debate was a sweeping validation of the alarm bells they’d been ringing for years about his age.

10 Creative Strategies to Elevate Your Brand's Online Presence


Hey there! Navigating the digital landscape can feel overwhelming. What strategies do you use to make your brand stand out in a competitive market? There are numerous ways of enhancing online presence, from crafting engaging social media posts and optimizing for SEO to improving user experience design. Just picture a brand voice that is so compelling and visuals that are so attractive that the audience has to keep returning for more. Whether you’re a pro at digital marketing or just starting, we’ve got your back. Let’s dive deep into ten creative strategies to elevate your brand’s online presence, creating long-term relationships with your client base. Ready to stand out? Here we go!

1. Develop a Unique Brand Voice

A unique brand voice is essential for a firm footing in today’s online world. Your brand voice should be consistent across all channels on which it is present to communicate company values, culture, and personality. Begin by identifying your tone–are you formal, casual, funny, or serious? You must find one that matches your target audience’s expectations and likes.

For example, if you work in the tech industry, you may want a professional yet friendly tone. Apple uses language like this: clear and plain but always representative of innovation and simplicity. On the other end of the spectrum, Wendy’s brand uses humor on its social networks, leading to high engagement rates as well as customer loyalty.

Stay consistent with everything, from blog posts to tweets, because they must reflect this particular tone wherever possible. Imagine one tweet, for instance, by your sustainable fashion label saying, “Every thread tells a story about sustainability # join us in making fashion green again.” This uniform tone helps develop an identity recognizable across platforms while forging deeper connections with customers.

Periodically review your brand guidelines, too, as they may need modifications when trends change, or people start having new preferences. This could mean adjusting your tone for relevance or updating the language to reflect new corporate values. A brand voice serves as your unique selling point, differentiating you from competitors and creating trust among your clients, who will keep coming back.

2. Leverage High-Quality Visual Content

High-quality visuals are crucial for capturing your audience’s attention and effectively communicating your brand’s message. Images and videos naturally appeal to people, making them powerful tools for engagement. Use professional photography and graphic design to ensure your visuals look well-polished.

You can present complex data using infographics that are eye-catching and easily understandable. For instance, a health brand could use an infographic showing the benefits of having a balanced diet, which grabs attention while educating at the same time. Infographics are known to be shared more frequently than other kinds of content, hence increasing their reach.

Video content is another powerful way of doing this; examples include tutorials, behind-the-scenes looks, or customer testimonials that enhance interaction levels–for example, creating a behind-the-scenes video of how your team makes products can add a human touch to your brand and strengthen its customer bond. On the other hand, customer testimonials increase social proof, thus improving credibility.

Ensure all visual elements are optimized for different platforms and devices, too, so that a high-resolution image on a website may be equally impressive on mobile devices. Use tools like Photoshop or online services like Canva to maintain quality standards when working on various formats.

By strategically implementing high-quality visuals, you can make your brand more appealing and engaging and achieve better results from marketing efforts.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for increasing your brand’s visibility on the internet. Conduct extensive keyword research to determine the terms or phrases your target market uses most frequently. Tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs can help you discover these valuable keywords. Integrate these keywords naturally into your website content, blog posts, and metadata, ensuring they flow seamlessly and enhance readability.

Creating high-quality, informative content that responds to your audience’s needs and interests is crucial. For example, writing detailed guides on using specific equipment or explaining why you should engage in various workouts would help attract organic traffic if you sell fitness gear. This enhances a brand’s search ranking and makes it an expert within its niche.

Make sure a mobile-friendly site that loads fast. Google’s mobile-first indexing using a mobile-optimized site can lift your rankings significantly. The above tool, Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test, will confirm if you are compatible with mobile devices while helping improve your website’s performance. A quicker-loading site improves user experience and reduces bounce rates, positively influencing SEO.

Keep updating your content regularly to make it new and relevant. Use analytics tools like Google Analytics to get insights about which content works best among your audience and adjust accordingly. Your team can continuously refine your SEO strategy to maintain your brand’s online presence and reach effectively.

4. Engage with Influencers

Working with influencers can significantly expand your brand’s reach and credibility. You may begin by identifying influencers who share your brand values and have a large following in your niche area of expertise. For example, if you own a beauty brand, partnering with popular beauty vloggers or Instagram personalities would make sense, thus exposing your products to a broader but more targeted audience.

Ensure that the influencers you choose genuinely support your brand and its products because authenticity is vital; followers can quickly tell when a partnership feels forced or fake, which could damage their trust in both parties involved as well as tarnish reputations – one way this could happen would be if an established fitness influencer creates a workout video using your fitness equipment while highlighting its benefits to engage their followers.

Many types of collaborations can be considered, such as product reviews, sponsored posts, or social media takeovers where the influencer takes control over your brand’s platforms for some time; however, sponsored posts work best when they include use and discussion about the company promoting the product. This provides social proof alongside building trust amongst potential customers, thus leading to higher conversion rates. Similarly, takeovers also help bring brands closer together, allowing them to promote each other’s fans to experience different sides of either business through a shared content creation process.

Always use analytics during such periods to track performance. Hence, engagement is measured vis-à-vis return on investment (ROI); remember that partnering strategically with the right people and ensuring authenticity throughout collaborations will not only increase visibility among wider audiences but also enhance credibility within the same space, thereby leading to increased interaction levels across the board.

5. Utilize Social Media Effectively

Social media platforms are excellent tools for establishing an online presence; therefore, use them wisely by developing detailed strategies tailored towards each platform and following them religiously till results start showing up. Start with regular posting. Just keep yourself visible at all times; let’s say you can come up with exciting contents that last a few seconds before disappearing like smoke on an Instagram story or reel so that users may notice them quickly due to their nature being short, snappy, and visually appealing (use of videos). LinkedIn is great for professional updates, networking opportunities, and sharing industry news and thought leadership articles.

The worst thing you can do on social media is not engage. Respond fast to comments and messages; this way, people will know they matter to you, too. Jump into conversations where your brand has some relevance, or even better, participate in those trending within your niche area. Doing so increases both party’s visibility–no one should ever feel left out here. Hosting live sessions, such as Q&As or product launches, can also create real-time interaction, fostering a sense of community and immediacy.

Consistency matters most; therefore, always be there lest somebody assume otherwise. Then everything goes downhill from that point onwards, only to realize later when it’s too late, giving wrong impressions about being inactive or uninterested in certain things altogether. Create a content calendar that covers all aspects of social media platforms, ensuring regularity across the board while using features to their fullest potential. Twitter polls could help gather opinions. In contrast, Facebook groups to build a community around your brand.

Monitor performance using analytics tools because, through them, we get to know what works best, enabling us to make necessary adjustments to improve engagement levels further, extending reach even more than before. This applies equally well whether targeted or mass markets are involved. Such being the case, it’s always good practice to keep oneself up-to-date with the latest trends regarding how people interact with various types of media associated with different devices since these two things tend to evolve hand-in-hand over time given technological advancements in the communication sector; thus, if done correctly social media can become a powerful tool for keeping brands top-of-mind among audiences which leads into sustained interest levels forever more.

6. Create High-Quality Written Content

Creating high-quality written content, including blog posts, articles, whitepapers, and case studies, is essential for attracting and retaining your audience. Focus on producing informative, engaging content relevant to your audience’s interests and needs. Well-researched and well-written content can establish your brand as an authority in your industry, driving traffic to your website and encouraging repeat visits. Regularly update your written content to ensure it remains current and valuable.

Thorough research is the foundation of any good content. For example, if you have a tech-focused brand, writing detailed guides on current tech trends or doing deep dives into new gadgets with reviews can help attract a loyal following. Make sure your content is well-structured with clear headings and concise paragraphs so that it is easy to follow and understand.

Using data and statistics to back up your points will add credibility to your words. Visual aids such as charts or graphs can also help make complex information more digestible for readers. Keep your work updated regularly to reflect the latest happenings and remain relevant.

Speak to your audience’s pain points by providing actionable solutions they can apply immediately. For instance, a finance services company could share practical tips on managing personal finances that help people solve real problems. Encourage interaction with comments or feedback sections, building a community around your content.

Creating high-quality written materials establishes trust among readers while positioning one’s brand as an industry authority figure, thus driving traffic over time.

7. Invest in Paid Advertising

Investing in paid advertising like Google Ads or social media ads can immediately boost brand visibility. These allow you to direct your message according to specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring it reaches the ideal audience.

Define the target group first. For example, if you own a fitness company, target people who are enthusiastic about health and well-being. Facebook and Instagram are platforms where one can create attention-grabbing advertisements using captivating imagery and as few words as possible that make the viewers’ eyes glued to them. A short video of someone doing a new workout or an endorsement from a happy client might be good ideas.

Track your ad’s performance regularly through analytics tools. This could include click-through rates, conversion rates, or even return on ad spend (ROAS). The information will help you determine what is working and what isn’t so that you can review your strategies accordingly. For example, when one ad set does well, you may increase its spending limit or use similar tricks in subsequent campaigns.

To achieve a balance between paid ads, use organic approaches. They make both immediate traffic jams and popularity while at the same time building long-term relationships with customers. Integration of both methods ensures a higher online presence and sustained growth of brands rather than either alone.

8. Foster Community Engagement

Loyalty and long-term engagement can be promoted through community building around your brand. A brand’s audience’s interaction with it is critically important in fostering familiarity with the people interested in its products. Use social media groups, forums, or specialized community sections on your website to boost conversation. For example, you may have a Facebook group where enthusiasts congregate and talk about everything concerning the brand: discussions, advice, and shared experiences.

You can also run contests or feature customer stories that encourage user-generated content. For example, by having customers submit pictures of themselves using your product to participate in a photo contest, you may increase awareness and make customers feel like they are part of its making process. You can demonstrate appreciation for this work on their websites or the company’s SNS and online networks.

Furthermore, active involvement entails responding to questions, supporting, and sharing valuable insights in these communities. If a customer asks you something in your forum, reply quickly and try to help them with whatever issue they might face. This positions your brand as friendly and trustworthy.

Also, regular events like live Q&A sessions, webinars, or community challenges would ensure sustained involvement among participants at any given time. These events provide real-time interaction and feedback opportunities, strengthening your brand’s and its community’s bond.

Moreover, creating solid and engaged communities can turn them into powerful advocates for your brand. Members likely share positive experiences with others, organically expanding their reach. Therefore, improving buyer loyalty through vibrant communities leads to evangelism networks that ensure long-term success.

9. Implement Email Marketing

Email marketing is among the most successful ways to connect with and interest customers. Construct an email list by providing helpful content like free manuals, exclusive discounts, or special event passes in return for email sign-ups. For example, an industry insights eBook can attract subscribers who want more information about your expertise.

Divide your email list into segments so that you can send personalized messages to different groups within your audience. Marketers can base segments on age, location, buying history, or any other relevant factors–this will allow you to make every message count by tailoring it specifically toward their needs and interests. You might find that people who have just bought something from you would appreciate some tips on using it better, while those who’ve subscribed for years might love hearing about loyalty discounts.

Send out newsletters regularly that contain updates and promotions, but don’t forget about valuable content, either! Share behind-the-scenes glimpses into your company culture or upcoming product launches so that people stay engaged with what you’re doing, even if there’s nothing new for them right now. Make sure all emails are designed well enough to look good on mobiles, too – most of us read our mail on phones these days.

Measure open rates, click-through rates (CTRs), and conversion rates (CVRs) using analytics tools like Google Analytics or Mailchimp’s built-in reports. These numbers will help identify which parts of each campaign worked best and why, allowing future improvements in targeting efforts. For example, if many people click through product reviews, maybe try including more such links next time.

Consistently adjust your strategy using the data you gather. Experiment with different subject line content formats and send times to see what works best. By implementing a thoughtful, data-driven email marketing strategy, you can maintain strong engagement with your audience and drive consistent traffic and sales for your brand.

10. Monitor and Adapt Your Strategy

Due to its dynamic nature, the digital landscape requires constant reviewing and adaptation to your online strategy. This can begin with using analytics tools that enable you to observe how efficient your content, social media, SEO efforts, and paid advertising are. Tools such as Google Analytics, SEMrush, and social media insights can help one understand what works and what doesn’t

Identify trends and patterns in your data. For example, if one blog post consistently attracts massive traffic, create more in this style. On the other hand, if a particular social media campaign fails to capture any audience’s attention, the designers may have misdesigned it, and thus, it needs readjustment. Therefore, those facts in the form of data drive decisions, which are very important when optimizing strategies.

They are keeping up with industry trends and emerging technologies to stay ahead of the curve. Subscribe to industry newsletters, attend webinars, and follow industry leaders for insights on recent developments. For instance, as marketing tools become increasingly AI-powered, there are various new ways through which brands can customize customer interactions while enhancing efficiency.

For marketers to truly understand their target market preferences, they need regular feedback. Therefore, let your clients give you feedback about their needs through multiple channels, like surveys–for example, after purchasing products–feedback forms or engaging them directly on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. Companies can determine customer satisfaction rates by issuing brief surveys after purchase to identify areas for improvement.

Thus, adapting your strategies based on these findings will ensure that your brand remains relevant and effectively attains its goals. By continually monitoring and refining your approach, you will successfully navigate through the ever-changing digital landscape while maintaining robust engagements, achieving long-term success for your brand.

Summing Up

In conclusion, elevating your brand’s online presence requires a multifaceted approach that blends unique content, strategic partnerships, and continuous optimization. By implementing these ten creative strategies, you’ll build a strong, engaging, and recognizable online presence that drives growth and success for your brand. Ready to take your brand to the next level? Start by crafting your unique brand voice, leveraging high-quality visuals, and engaging with influencers. Don’t forget to monitor and adapt your strategy to stay ahead of the competition. Dive into these strategies today and watch your brand thrive online!

Ethical Advertising: Balancing Profit and Responsibility


Maintaining an ethical approach to advertising is key if you work in marketing. Ethical branding shows that you care about the needs of your audience and take your social responsibility seriously.

Utilizing shady marketing techniques — like manipulative pricing and false claims — can land you in hot legal water and damage your reputation, too. This is a serious issue if you are marketing a growing brand and are trying to capture a share of the target market for yourself. Folks will turn their back on brands that exploit their data and use manipulative marketing tactics.

Conversely, ethically minded audiences will show greater loyalty toward firms that use recycled paper, protect their personal data, and ask for consent before pushing personalized PPC campaigns. This can help you craft a niche as a people-first brand and is sure to pay dividends in the months and years to come.

Launching Products

It’s tempting to do everything you can to push your product or service shortly before a launch date. Your managers will be keen to break even as quickly as possible and expect the marketing department to draw as many consumers as possible to the launch date.

However, while engaging in unethical marketing may increase your short-term exposure, it’s almost certain to backfire in the long term. Folks will turn away from your business if they learn you’ve been buying dubious personal data online and are certain to pivot to competitors if you try to use underhand methods like making false claims based on half-truths.

Rather than using last-minute unscrupulous, last-minute methods to raise interest in a new product or service, get ahead of the competition by using ethical marketing approaches while planning your product launch. This may include taking steps like:

  • Using primary data to identify your target audience, such as surveys, customer questionnaires, or feedback forms;
  • Prepare your sales team so they’re trained to use ethical sales pitches and soft-sells over hard pitches and half-truths when selling your new product;
  • Provide plenty of resources to prospective customers so they are well-informed before making a purchase;
  • Follow up after the launch to improve customer care and ensure folks are happy with your product or service.

These steps minimize your risk of falling foul of Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulations and ethics. By largely relying on internally collected primary data, you minimize your risk of accidentally buying unethically sourced data, too. This is key, as modern consumers are aware of their data protection rights and will turn away from firms found to be buying data from dubious sources.

Protecting Consumer Data

Any data that you collect must be properly protected. Without an adequate data protection plan, you risk exposing consumer’s personal data and may be targeted by malicious actors who are looking for easy ways to steal valuable data. This will degrade trust in your brand and undermine your ethical responsibilities.

You can take preliminary steps to protect consumer data by investing in threat intelligence systems. Effective threat intelligence can give you early notice when something goes wrong or your systems are compromised. This empowers your cybersecurity team and increases the efficacy of business continuity efforts.

Protecting the consumer data you collect means you’ll need to re-educate staff to understand the risk of ransomware. Ransomware is advancing at a fast rate, meaning that your team must be able to recognize potential threats like phishing scams. This will improve your firm’s cyber hygiene and minimize the risk of a breach due to internal sloppiness.

Promoting Ethical Values

While it’s easy to overlook your social responsibilities, there’s no doubt that marketing has an impact on the way consumers think and feel. This means you should think twice before pushing out a campaign that is intentionally divisive or designed to elicit ill will from consumers in order to raise interest.

Understanding your social and ethical obligations is particularly important if you plan on using visual storytelling to craft your next campaign. Visual storytelling is a powerful form of marketing that relies on evoking strong emotions in potential customers. For example, if you are producing a series of posts for social media to promote a new product, consider whether or not your current plan uses:

  • Harmful stereotypes;
  • Damaging or inflammatory rhetoric;
  • Adequate representation of traditionally marginalized communities;
  • Greenwashing.

If your current plan inadvertently disparages a demographic or relies on outdated stereotypes, ensure you revise your messaging. This is particularly important today, as the degradation of public discourse means that you may actually see an uptick in profitability by appealing to people’s base emotions. However, this uptick in traffic should be weighed against your ethical responsibility as a business. Rather than risking damaging your brand and harming a marginalized group, conduct marketing that:

  • Works with folks from a range of backgrounds;
  • Is rooted in fact, rather than half-truths that make your business look good;
  • Is genuinely sustainable and supports environmental protection efforts.

Ethical marketing is crucial for the long-term viability of your business. Failing to take your ethical responsibilities seriously will damage your brand image and result in a loss of profits in the long term. Promoting ethical advertising may actually help you win more customers, too, as modern consumers appreciate brands that are sustainable and socially responsible.

After Thursday’s Debate, Conservative Media Finds It Hard Not to Gloat

Many conservative commentators have said President Biden’s performance during the debate was a sweeping validation of the alarm bells they’d been ringing for years about his age.

After Thursday’s Debate, Conservative Media Finds It Hard Not to Gloat

Many conservative commentators have said President Biden’s performance during the debate was a sweeping validation of the alarm bells they’d been ringing for years about his age.