This year, drive sales after the gifts have been unwrapped
Posted in: UncategorizedEvolving shopping habits and logistical challenges have created a new opportunity for brands: a season of spending after the holidays have passed.
Evolving shopping habits and logistical challenges have created a new opportunity for brands: a season of spending after the holidays have passed.
Everyone wants to celebrate this festivity in an even more beautiful and magical way with their loved ones. But sometimes it can be more difficult than it looks!?
The Pre-Christmas period can be particularly stressful, especially when you are having trouble finding the best gift for your family members. However, when you’ve made the right choice and picked Manor for your Christmas shopping, the struggle is elsewhere: finding the best place to hide the perfect presents!?
Making financial decisions is an essential part of learning how to become an adult. Unfortunately, so is making mistakes. But when it comes to marginalized communities, the risk of mistakes increases due to the lack of available resources and information. In an effort to bridge that gap and help students learn the foundations of financial…
2020 undoubtedly had an impact on you in some shape or form. Perhaps you had career momentum and were continuing to build on you; perhaps you were already a rockstar employee, teammate, respected leader, parent, son, neighbor or a passionate marketer grinding towards what could be next. Regardless of your life stage, you were a…
A nova campanha da Chilli Beans estreou com um time de influenciadores convidados a libertar seus mais loucos e intensos desejos. Partindo da proposta de questionar o que deixa cada um à flor da pele, a cocriação batizada de “EUFORIA” pretende abordar os sentimentos nessa retomada dos encontros presenciais. Para isso, a marca decidiu explorar …
Leia Campanha da Chilli Beans com Cleo, Pocah e Virgínia coloca empresa pela primeira vez no TikTok na íntegra no B9.
O Reino Unido nesta terça-feira (30) chegou a um veredito sobre a compra do Giphy pela Meta – e o resultado é nada favorável à companhia. A decisão emitida no dia de hoje pela Autoridade de Competição e Mercados (CMA) do país ordena que a empresa de Mark Zuckerberg desfaça o acordo com a plataforma …
Leia Reino Unido ordena que Meta venda o Giphy na íntegra no B9.
It takes a community to unite and work towards a world that not only supports but spreads awareness on several underlying issues. Like AIDS. This World AIDS Day, fight the stigma and stand for seniors who fear getting rejected by society. This year, pledge to: end inequalities, end AIDS.
Columbia Pacific Communities (CPC) the largest and most experienced senior living community in India, releases a public awareness video expressing their earnest request of extending support and a helping hand to the senior citizens who are the victim of AIDS and should be treated with equal love and respect. As a community, it is high time we raise our standard of awareness and End Inequality. End AIDS!
PEUGEOT is launching its full electric commercial vehicle range, with the e-Partner, e-Expert & e-Boxer in January 2022. With this early launch, PEUGEOT becomes one of the first brands to offer a full electric range in the LCV market. To introduce the range PEUGEOT and OPEn have created a lighthearted and refreshing campaign, that reconnects with the SMEs in a relatable and human way.
FOR THE DAY AHEAD celebrates the SMEs and showcases how their vans help them navigate through their work for whatever’s coming ahead – All highlighted and visualised using the relatable logos that many of them have printed on their van.
Plant-based chicken brand Daring Foods has the bold goal of not just providing a sustainable alternative to poultry but entirely removing the animal from the global food system. The company is connecting that mission to other ambitious changemakers with its new “Daring Moves” platform. The campaign kicks off with an 85-second video starring Olympic fencer…
Shoppers spent $10.7 billion on Cyber Monday 2021, which is about $100 million shy of the record set in 2020. That’s according to data from Adobe’s Digital Economy Index–and follows a similar dip on Black Friday–meaning the all-time highs set in 2020 will stand for another year. This also marks a stark contrast to holiday…
This Ad Age Studio 30 live panel with Quad will focus on the forces shaping the marketing partner of the future, and how intelligence-fueled creativity will make a multidimensional approach the new gold standard.
Google alum returned to CPG to help transform the Huggies marketer—and got a song written about her on Spotify.
Marcus also is the co-creator of the yet-to-be-launched Diem digital currency.
O aplicativo de mercado 100% digital Daki acaba de lançar o “Supermarket Deathrun”, uma nova ilha de jogo criada dentro do “Fortnite”. A ideia é brincar com os perrengues que as pessoas costumam enfrentar ao fazerem suas compras presencialmente, já que o Daki garante entrega em até 15 minutos. Com uma pegada mais dark, os …
Leia Daki recria perrengues comuns de supermercado dentro do “Fortnite” na íntegra no B9.
Abraçamos apertado, ficar pertinho de quem gostamos e compartilhar momentos memoráveis. Depois de um longo tempo repleto de desafios e distanciamento, mensagens de texto e videochamadas para diminuir a saudade, a medida que a vacinação contra Covid-19 avança no país, o Natal 2021 parece ser um pouco mais “Natal de novo”, com muitos reencontros. Partindo …
Leia Com animação, Natura faz convite para desenferrujarmos os sentimentos neste Natal na íntegra no B9.
Amazon-owned streaming service Prime Video has tapped an entertainment industry veteran to head up its growing international streaming business. Top line Kelly Day, a longtime ViacomCBS executive who most recently led the company’s international streaming services arm, will join Prime Video in January, the company said today. She will take up the role of vp,…
Hill Holliday takes the Valvoline account from Big Communications.
The 80s die hard in a nutty campaign for the iconic peanut brand.
Inspirado em atrações como “Halloween Horror Nights”, dos parques da Universal, o projeto “Abadom” é a novidade para os fãs de desse tipo de experiência em São Paulo. Com a narrativa de um manicômio abandonado que dá nome ao projeto, os participantes viverão 30 minutos de suspense e tensão ao longo de 12 estações perturbadoras. …
Leia “Abadom”: manicômio abandonado é nova experiência de horror na capital paulista na íntegra no B9.