United taps 72andSunny as global creative AOR

United Airlines has picked 72andSunny as global creative agency of record as it seeks to recover from the pandemic and take advantage of new travel demands.

Watch live May 17 at 12:30 p.m. EDT: Future-proofing marketing measurement to uncover opportunities

This Ad Age Studio 30 live panel with Analytic Partners and Cox Communications will focus on strategies to uncover opportunities to grow customer connections in the wake of the data disruption caused by cookie deprecation, IDFA, CCPR and growing consumer privacy demands. 

Fox News leans on 'uplifting content' to woo skeptical advertisers

As the cable news behemoth looks out to a news landscape with “a more positive environment,” the hope is that there will be areas that are more contextually relevant and desirable for brands.

Microsoft Named as Cannes Lions Creative Marketer of the Year

Cannes Lions awarded Microsoft as its Creative Marketer of the Year during this year’s festival. Each year, the award is given to advertisers who have a track record of success with Lions over a period of time (Apple was the last year’s recipient). A year after the awards were canceled due to the spread of…

PMG Introduces New Strategic Planning and Insights Practice

Adweek’s 2020 Breakthrough Media Agency of the Year is building on its past success with the introduction of a new practice expanding its strategic offering and designed to compliment its existing strengths. Independent digital agency PMG is formally launching its strategic planning and insights practice with industry veterans at the helm. Aimed at helping brands…

Rakuten Heightens Ecommerce Luxury Credentials by Partnering With Gwyneth Paltrow

As ecommerce has become increasingly competitive in recent months, online retail platform Rakuten has partnered with actress and Goop founder Gwyneth Paltrow to promote its cash back offer, which rewards shoppers using its platform. The latest campaign includes video content of Paltrow and celebrated decorator Brigette Romanek discussing topics from fashion to beauty to home…

What Times Should Brands Be Posting on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter?

Social analytics provider Sprout Social released its 2021 Best Times to Post on Social Media report, which analyzed engagement and usage data from its 20,000-plus customers to determine the best and worst times for brands to post on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. Sprout Social search engine optimization lead Elizabeth Arens wrote in the report’s…

? 4 maneiras diferenciadas de aprender sobre Bitcoin

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Que o Bitcoin é o futuro a gente já sabe, mas aprender sobre este mundo não é tão fácil quanto parece. Para além do beabá de como investir, a curva de aprendizado das criptomoedas também exige uma boa compreensão do cenário e a revolução que estas promovem ao mercado financeiro. Nessa hora, o audiovisual pode …

Leia ? 4 maneiras diferenciadas de aprender sobre Bitcoin na íntegra no B9.

Skol desafia paladar de Projota em primeira ação com temática de “No Limite”


Patrocinadora da nova temporada de “No Limite”, a Skol traz de volta o rapper Projota em sua primeira campanha especial sobre o reality show. Conhecido por suas polêmicas preferências alimentares dentro da casa do BBB21, que levaram o músico a virar meme por negar pratos que fazem sucesso na mesa de qualquer brasileiro, Projota aceitou …

Leia Skol desafia paladar de Projota em primeira ação com temática de “No Limite” na íntegra no B9.

How Snapchatters See Brands’ Role in Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Snapchatters plan to use the month of May, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, to educate themselves and become better allies to API communities, and they expect the same of brands. Snap Inc. said a survey of users in Canada and the U.S. found that nearly three out of five respondents believe brands have…

Pinterest: How to Add Music to a Story Pin

Pinterest’s Story Pins feature allows users to create posts containing multiple photos, videos and more. A Story Pin can have more than one page, and each page can be edited separately with different embellishments, such as text and stickers. You can also add music from Pinterest’s catalog to your Story Pins. Our guide will show…

Rotten Tomatoes Pushes Into OTT With Live Streaming Channel on Roku

Rotten Tomatoes, the website known for reviews and ratings of movies and TV shows, is the latest media brand to make a push into OTT. The NBCUniversal-owned property is today debuting a live streaming channel, the Rotten Tomatoes Channel, on Roku devices. It will be one of the 100-plus live channels available as part of…

eMarketer: TikTok Will Have More US Gen-Z Users Than Instagram by Year-End

TikTok will bypass Instagram in terms of Generation Z U.S. users by the end of the year, and it will do the same to Snapchat for total U.S. users by 2023, according to new research from eMarketer. The research firm said that by the end of 2021, TikTok will have 37.3 million Gen Z users…

Washington Football Team hires first chief creative officer within NFL

Will Misselbrook will lead creative storytelling, digital sales and content monetization for the team. 

Back Pain Therapy Systems – The Gravity Life 'PostureKey' Corrects Problems at the Source (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) The Gravity Life ‘PostureKey’ is a back pain remedy that will work to mimic the experience of visiting a doctor’s office at home to allow for continuous treatment as required. The…

Marcelo D2 transmite a produção de novo álbum em festival via Twitch


Entre os dias 14 e 23 de maio, Marcelo D2 realiza o Roda Cultural, festival virtual que transmitirá ao vivo a produção do Volume 2 do álbum “Assim Tocam os Meus Tambores”. As transmissões diárias serão realizadas a partir das 14h, no canal de Marcelo D2 no Twitch. Com lançamento previsto para junho, o trabalho dá …

Leia Marcelo D2 transmite a produção de novo álbum em festival via Twitch na íntegra no B9.

Depois do Central Perk, LEGO recria os dois apartamentos de “Friends”


Já faz quase dois anos que a LEGO anunciou ao mundo o seu primeiro conjunto inspirado em “Friends”, sitcom que segue sendo um sucesso de público mesmo depois de dezessete anos depois do seu último episódio. Mas se em 2019 a colaboração da companhia com a WarnerMedia só gerou uma recriação do Central Perk, nesta …

Leia Depois do Central Perk, LEGO recria os dois apartamentos de “Friends” na íntegra no B9.

Mattel lança programa para reutilizar plástico de brinquedos antigos para criar novos


A sustentabilidade deixou de ser um tema secundário e hoje é prioridade para a maioria das grandes empresas de todas as indústrias. A Mattel, uma das principais fabricantes de brinquedos, não quer ficar para trás e lançou o programa PlayBack. A ideia é fazer com que os proprietários de brinquedos antigos enviem seus bonecos para …

Leia Mattel lança programa para reutilizar plástico de brinquedos antigos para criar novos na íntegra no B9.

Google Pay passa a aceitar transferências internacionais


O Google quer muito que seu sistema de pagamentos, o Google Pay, seja o principal do mercado. Para isso, a empresa da Alphabet está lançando uma atualização interessante para o aplicativo. A partir de agora, o Google Pay suporta algumas transferências internacionais A novidade é resultado de uma parceria estabelecida com a Wise e com …

Leia Google Pay passa a aceitar transferências internacionais na íntegra no B9.

HipDot Launches a Clueless-Inspired Makeup Collection for Aspiring Bettys and Baldwins

It wasn’t very long ago when HipDot debuted a candy-coated makeup collection inspired by Reese’s. Now, the beauty brand has launched a set that makeup enthusiasts and ’90s teen comedy fans alike can grab without having to make a trip to The Valley. On Tuesday, the company officially launched its limited-edition HipDot x Clueless Collection…