Will Smith enfrenta seu clone no trailer de “Projeto Gemini”, novo filme de Ang Lee

Vencedor do Oscar por “As Aventuras de Pi”, e ainda realizador de dois grandes sucessos, “O Tigre e o Dragão” e “O Segredo de Brokeback Mountain”, o cineasta Ang Lee estava em baixa após seu último filme, “A Longa Caminhada de Billy Lynn”, não ter a mesma notoriedade de seus trabalhos anteriores. Agora, foi divulgado …

O post Will Smith enfrenta seu clone no trailer de “Projeto Gemini”, novo filme de Ang Lee apareceu primeiro em B9.

Marvel celebra o fim de uma era com tweets que reúnem todas as cenas pós-créditos

Prestes a encerrar um ciclo de 11 anos, a Marvel Studios divulgou, em seu Twitter, um fio reunindo todas as cenas pós-créditos de todos os seus filmes, de “Homem de Ferro” até “Capitã Marvel”. A postagem, claro, é uma celebração não só do lançamento de “Vingadores: Ultimato”, como uma despedida de alguns dos personagens que …

O post Marvel celebra o fim de uma era com tweets que reúnem todas as cenas pós-créditos apareceu primeiro em B9.

O Boticário celebra Dia das Mães com vídeo baseado em história real

Apesar de usar um núcleo ficcional de atores, a história mostrada pelo O Boticário no vídeo especial para o Dia das Mães é baseado em uma história real, o que deixa o filme criado pela agência AlmapBBDO ainda mais emocionante. A campanha, que estreou nesta semana no intervalo Fantástico, incentiva o público a contar às …

O post O Boticário celebra Dia das Mães com vídeo baseado em história real apareceu primeiro em B9.

Amazon passa a deixar entregas nas garagens de compradores

Nos Estados Unidos, há um serviço de controle de garagem chamado MyQ, que consiste em uma chave-mestra que permite desbloquear sua garagem de qualquer lugar. Agora, usuários do serviço poderão conectar suas contas ao aplicativo Amazon Key, disponível para iOS e Android. Com a novidade, quem assim desejar, poderá conceder aos entregadores da Amazon o …

O post Amazon passa a deixar entregas nas garagens de compradores apareceu primeiro em B9.

World Book Day

World Book Day
World Book Day

Anything can inspire a story, even the things in our environment. These creatives are intended to encourage a reading and writing culture drawing inspiration from the things around us.

This Email Ecommerce Study From Omnisend Will Help Improve Your 2019 Campaigns


Having gone through millions and millions of campaigns, we’ve accumulated a great amount of data to demonstrate to you some important ecommerce email trends: what’s better – single channel or multichannel marketing? How do segmented campaigns perform compared to non-segmented campaigns? When is the best time to send the campaign?

Omnisend recently conducted a study that took at look at these questions and arrived at some interesting results.

Single Channel versus Omnichannel Marketing

First of all, let’s look at the data comparing single channel marketing against omnichannel marketing.

Even though integrating several marketing channels in a marketing campaign has been more popular and useful in the recent years, some marketers are still using only one channel.

To be more precise, it has been widely considered that using more than one marketing channel has a direct positive impact on customer retention rate. This simply means that the more channels you use, the more loyal your customer becomes to your brand.

This statement has been proven true by recent analysis, which found that marketers who use three or more channels in campaigns earn almost a customer retention rate that’s twice as high as those who use only 1 channel (see pie-charts below).


It has also been proven that those clients who have been targeted through 3 or more channels were not only more loyal, but also willing to spend more than those targeted through only 1 channel – $66.31 vs $58.70 AOV (average order value), which is 13% higher on average than customers interacting with a single channel campaign.


Also, it’s important to mention that the difference in the results received is even more substantial when it comes to comparing purchase rate and engagement rate generated by the single-channel marketers and multi-channel marketers. Both rates have come to be 2.5 times higher for the latter group of marketers, not surprisingly.


Segmentation versus Non-Segmentation

Segmentation works. Period.

And if you think about it, there shouldn’t be any doubts at all – segmentation simply means dividing your target audience into smaller groups of people and targeting them with content which is relevant specifically to them. The more personalized the content is, the more likely it is that the person will open the email and read through it, or even continue purchasing your products.

We can see from the graph below that the open rate of the segmented email marketing campaigns is over 30% higher than that of non-segmented, which makes it clear that personalizing your marketing campaign to each target group leads to them being more interested in the email’s content.

Further, we can see in the same graph that the click rate is also slightly higher – 6.09% versus 5.5%. Most importantly (from a business perspective) is that segmented marketing campaigns resulted in 26.5% more orders generated than non-segmented campaigns.

All of this data tells us that when the audience is segmented into smaller groups and the right message is delivered to the right audience, the result is that customers are more willing to open the email, read it, follow the included ‘call to action’, and finally purchase your products.


Email Statistics: When Is the Best Time to Send That Campaign?

So, you’re done setting-up your multi-channel marketing campaign and you’ve segmented your audience, and now the last thing you want your target audience to think when they receive your ‘piece of communication’ is “I am at work right now, will read it later”.

This simply means – I will probably forget about your email and will never return to read it. In order to avoid such situations, let’s look at the statistics demonstrating the best times to send marketing campaigns.

Speaking on a more high-level view – days of the month – the best combined average open rate and average click rate is generated at the beginning of the month – on the 5th, 7th, and 12th days. Thinking logically, this might have to do with the fact that the average person is more efficient in the beginning of the month, so he/she manages his inbox/social networks much better, than in the end of the month.


Taking a look at hours of the day I think it will be of no surprise to see that the greatest average open and click rates in the email campaigns are earned before work, at around 8am (20.32% and 7.79% respectively), after the lunch break, at around 1pm (22% and 7% respectively), and during the usual end of day coffee break, at around 4-5pm, when both the average open and click rates are at their peaks.

chart6.pngSo for the best results for your email marketing campaigns, send them around work breaks.

These three considerations are the key to any marketing campaign, and if you follow the data, you will see improved results.

This guest article was written by Nikita Ufimcev, freelance copywriter for Omnisend and business developer at two emerging startups.

Amazon Adds In-Garage Delivery as Its Latest Fulfillment Option

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Cerveja Original ganha versão em lata

Agora você poderá encontrar a Cerveja Original em lata. Famosa nos botecos brasileiros, a cerveja ganha uma nova versão em lata de 350ml, enquanto as já tradicionais garrafas de 600ml e de 300ml também continuam o mercado. A lata resgata o design retrô típico da década de 1990, e traz a tradicional faixa azul da …

O post Cerveja Original ganha versão em lata apareceu primeiro em B9.

Studio Ghibli procura artistas para finalizar próximo filme de Miyazaki

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O post Studio Ghibli procura artistas para finalizar próximo filme de Miyazaki apareceu primeiro em B9.

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Beefeater Ambient Ad - #PinkYourGin
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Video of Beefeater Pink: #PinkYourGin

Burger King: The Hottest CV

Burger King Ambient Ad - The Hottest CV

Millennials struggle to get a paid position. Even more when they do not know anyone in the industry. To give exposure to young talent, Burger King presents: The Hottest CV.

Taking advantage of the paper tablecloth, we’ll replace the current promotions for CVs of millennials looking for a job.

Some of the BK restaurants are surrounded by companies related to the same field.

Only the relevant CVs will be served in these restaurants, maximising the chances of hitting a potential employer.

Video of Burger King – The Hottest CV

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Video of Irish Life – Embracing Change

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Post Hoc, a litany of obsolete inventions and phenomena

Defunct television channels, destroyed artworks, missing aircraft, cancelled military projects, former nations, extinct birds, list of sinkholes, discontinued burial techniques, tornadoes, failed banks, discontinued fragrances, obsolete aeronautical machines, etc.

This year, the New Zealand pavilion at the Venice Art Biennale will feature lists of inventions, life forms, phenomena and “things” that no longer exist. The work traces a kind of “history of progress” through the history of obsolescence. Although the “things” listed are now lost to us, their existence still lingers in the present. We might not see them anymore but they’ve made this moment possible.

Dane Mitchell, Post hoc, 2019, Digital Working Drawing

Dane Mitchell, ?Hiding in Plain Sight (? detail), 2017. Installation view, Connells Bay Sculpture Park, Auckland

The lists will be broadcast throughout the city via a network of tree cell towers, the often derided communication towers that camouflage as nature. The fake trees are being installed in various historical sites across Venice: 3 will be located at the New Zealand pavilion as a sort of networked plantation, and 4 in other sites across Venice. Inhabitants and tourists will be able to hear a whispering of the lists as they walk by the synthetic trees.

Dane Mitchell, Post hoc, 2019. Screen shot from production video filmed at SJ Cell Tower & Artificial Plant Company Limited, Guangzhou, China

Dane Mitchell during the installation of the work at Palazzina Canonica in Venice. Image facebook

The artist behind the project is Dane Mitchell, an artist interested in the physical properties of the intangible and visible manifestations of other dimensions.

“We all live in some sort of technological filter bubble,” Mitchell told me when i asked him what guided the selection of lists of defunct things. “The work pushes up hard against the edges of my own — it is undoubtedly an expression of the perimeters of knowledge I might have access to. The work embraces the fallibility of encyclopedic thinking — it is a (western) delusion to assume that we might be able to ‘hold’ the world in such a way, however, Post hoc is contradictorily an attempt to momentarily hold aloft these vanished things that sit under our present moment.

The lists are very much generated by, and authored by me. In this way they have a poetic logic…one list leads to another leads to another and onwards. I started with ten, and was apprehensive about the task of amassing this list — a list that reads for seven months, averaging 25,000 words a day — but through a meandering approach the lists grew. The filter bubble is also an expression of the types of material forces I’m interested in, be it in relation to science, belief, materiality, etc. The ‘bubble’ is certainly an expression of my own habits and predilections.”

Dane Mitchell, ?Hiding in Plain Sight (? detail), 2017. Installation view, Connells Bay Sculpture Park, Auckland

Dane Mitchell, Post hoc, 2019. Production still at SJ Cell Tower & Artificial Plant Company Limited, Guangzhou, China

This year, the New Zealand pavilion will be located inside the Palazzina Canonica, the former headquarters of the Marine Research Institute. The Giardini, the historical site of the biennale exhibition, has space for only 29 pavilions of foreign countries. New Zealand is not one of them. Like many other nations, it has to find a palazzo elsewhere to host its exhibition. Dane Mitchell, however, has devised a cunning way to sneak inside the Giardini of the Biennale. He installed one of the tree towers in the Parco delle Rimembranze, a nearby park covered in (natural) pines. Visitors touring the Giardini of the biennale will be able use their wifi-enabled device and grab the transmissions emitted from the neighbouring green space.

I admire the bravery and irony of creating a project that highlights disappearance in a city that’s slowly sinking into physical oblivion. Without even mentioning the art biennial, a format that’s often been labelled as ‘outmoded’.

Interestingly, the title of the exhibition is “Post hoc” which translates to “after this” in Latin, the most famous dead language of the Western world.

Dane Mitchell, Post hoc 2019. Production still

If you want to know more about the project, do check out Dane Mitchell’s discussion of it a few weeks ago at daadgalerie in Berlin:

Dane Mitchell, Övül Durmusoglu and Heman Chong panel discussion at daadgalerie in Berlin on 12 March 2019

Dane Mitchell, Post hoc is on view at Palazzina Canonica (and across the city), the New Zealand Pavilion at the 58th Venice Biennale, from 11 May until 24 November 2019.


1800 Tequila: 1800 Seconds

1800 Seconds: a short documentary uncovering the lives of 10 artists who came together in the iconic Westlake Studios to create an album, curated by Pusha T and presented by 1800 Tequila.

Video of 1800 Seconds