The Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation: End The Cycle, 1

gyro New York is the pro-bono agency for The Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation. We have been working to spotlight the message that exposure to domestic abuse as a child can greatly increase the likelihood of perpetuating violence as they grow up. This startling truth about the cycle of violence and the need to end it is precisely what The Joe Torre Safe At Home Foundation and its national advertising campaign were created to change.

Founded in 2002 by Major League Baseball Hall of Fame Manager Joe Torre and his wife Ali, Safe At Home’s mission is to provide education to end the cycle of domestic violence and save lives. To amplify its important mission and message, this year Safe At Home debuted its largest awareness campaign to date and its first in nearly 12 years. These are the first print ads. An “End the Cycle” TV ad ran earlier this year on CBS, A&E and additional top networks.

The Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation: End The Cycle, 2

gyro New York is the pro-bono agency for The Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation. We have been working to spotlight the message that exposure to domestic abuse as a child can greatly increase the likelihood of perpetuating violence as they grow up. This startling truth about the cycle of violence and the need to end it is precisely what The Joe Torre Safe At Home Foundation and its national advertising campaign were created to change.

Founded in 2002 by Major League Baseball Hall of Fame Manager Joe Torre and his wife Ali, Safe At Home’s mission is to provide education to end the cycle of domestic violence and save lives. To amplify its important mission and message, this year Safe At Home debuted its largest awareness campaign to date and its first in nearly 12 years. These are the first print ads. An “End the Cycle” TV ad ran earlier this year on CBS, A&E and additional top networks.

The Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation: End The Cycle, 3

gyro New York is the pro-bono agency for The Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation. We have been working to spotlight the message that exposure to domestic abuse as a child can greatly increase the likelihood of perpetuating violence as they grow up. This startling truth about the cycle of violence and the need to end it is precisely what The Joe Torre Safe At Home Foundation and its national advertising campaign were created to change.

Founded in 2002 by Major League Baseball Hall of Fame Manager Joe Torre and his wife Ali, Safe At Home’s mission is to provide education to end the cycle of domestic violence and save lives. To amplify its important mission and message, this year Safe At Home debuted its largest awareness campaign to date and its first in nearly 12 years. These are the first print ads. An “End the Cycle” TV ad ran earlier this year on CBS, A&E and additional top networks.

Hotels Combined: Travel is always a good idea, 1

Hotels Combined: Travel is always a good idea, 2

Hotels Combined: Travel is always a good idea, 3

Hotels Combined: Travel is always a good idea, 4

Netflix and Google Made a Google Home Game for Stranger Things Season 2

Add Google to the list of companies that have a Stranger Things season 2 activation. Netflix partnered with the tech giant to create a voice-activated game for the second season that you play through your Google Home or Google Home Mini voice assistant. The device acts as a walkie-talkie–all you have to do is say…

'How Trump's Cabinet Is Dismantling Government As We Know It': See the Animated Time Cover

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Here's a Gif of Anna Wintour Eating Bacon-Wrapped Pizza, Because

Credit: The Late Late Show With James Corden via YouTube

Do you have a long attention span? Then please, by all means, go ahead and watch the full “Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts w/ Anna Wintour” video below, which first appeared as a segment on “The Late Late Show With James Corden” last night. As part of a recurring bit, “James and Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour take turns choosing between answering very personal questions or eating items like deep-fried butter and bull penis,” per the video’s YouTube description.

Is your attention span pretty much completely shot? Yeah, ours is tooso we created the gif above as a sort of visual executive summary. You’re very welcome.

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Ad Age Ad Lib Podcast: Instagram's Kay Hsu Empathizes With Brands

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Fox Will Air Nine Six-Second Ads During Thanksgiving NFL Game

Fox is certainly looking to prove its move into six-second ads isn’t a fad. The network will air nine of them during its Thanksgiving Day NFL game between the Minnesota Vikings and the Detroit Lions.

The ads will be incorporated into commercial breaks “at the discretion of the game producer,” Fox said in a statement. These short spots will appear in a “double-box” format which means viewers will see the ad in a box alongside the game and they are priced comparably to 15-second spots.

Fox has been pushing out six-second ads, a format first introduced by YouTube last year, over the last several months, starting with the “Teen Choice Awards” in July. It has also been running six-second commercials in NFL games and the World Series.

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Rant of the Week: Twitter Breaks Up With RT, and We're Supposed to Be Happy About That?

So apparently we’re supposed to be pleased that Twitter will no longer take money from the Kremlin-backed Russians, who have been trying to manipulate the American political system.

As Ad Age’s Garett Sloane reported, the social network announced on Thursday that it’s banning ads from RT formerly known as Russia Today and comrade news agency Sputnik from Twitter.

Hilariously, RT fired back with a post pointing out just how eager Twitter was to accept RTs money in, you know, less complicated times.

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Camera-Accommodating Antitheft Backpacks – The Urbanvibe by NXTPACK Backpack Protects All Your Gear (GALLERY)

( The Urbanvibe by NXTPACK Antitheft Backpack has been created to offer avid travelers with a way to keep all of their gear protected and safe without having to deal with complicated devices or setup….

40 Narrative Retail Displays – From Candy Brand Product Galleries to Interactive Gaming Displays (TOPLIST)

( These narrative retail displays range from candy brand product galleries to interactive gaming kiosks that spotlight product information in a unique, and engaging way. Consumers’ growing…

'Stranger Things' Sweaters Start of New Netflix Model

Reed Hastings is no fashion icon, but the Netflix chief executive’s garb on a recent video presentation to investors is likely to start a hot new trend.

Grinning sheepishly, Hastings donned a Christmas sweater inspired by the hit show “Stranger Things.” For $34.99 at Target, fans of the drama about middle schoolers confronting supernatural events can buy the red sweater with white letters and holiday lights. Netflix is betting more and more fans of its shows are going to want such options.

If “House of Cards” established Netflix as a home for premium TV and Emmy-winning “Master of None” provided bona fides as a prestige outlet, “Stranger Things” is the first sign Netflix dreams of being a multifaceted media empire. The streaming-video giant is releasing the second season of “Stranger Things” in 190 countries on Friday, but the push to make money from the show is just beginning.

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Kill the 'Big Idea.' Long Live Steve Martin!

Comedian Steve Martin can help strategists. Seriously.

Strategists get paid to be interesting. My quest to learn more about people and places has found me detonating dynamite in a dank Bolivian mine to observing forest-dwelling, Pagan priests. I’ve stretched what it is to be a social scientist. Learning stand-up seemed a natural next step, considering humor’s serious role in ads. I signed up for Steve Martin’s MasterClass.

What follows isn’t a 101 on joke-telling; I’m puny at puns and our humor may differ. Here’s a taste of what makes me titter, stolen from comedian Gary Delaney: “The Americans had Nyquil. The British had Lemsip. It was The Cold War.” Did that make you merely sniff? Suit yourself. But here’s something we might soon agree on: the big idea should be bludgeoned, and Steve Martin should be handed congratulatory mead, as his teachings on stand-up can help us craft campaigns.

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Billionaire Trolls Trump by Running Impeachment Ad on 'Fox & Friends'

It’s been a running joke among politicos and media people all year that the best way to get the attention of cable-news-obsessed President Trump is to place an ad on his favorite nework: Fox News. In fact, in February, HBO’s “Last Week Tonight” host John Oliver even created PSAs that his show paid to run on Fox News (and other cable news networks, in case Trump channel-surfed) specifically to educate the famously low-information, fact-challenged president on basic policy issues.

Now, billionaire activist Tom Steyer, the man behind (“Donald Trump has brought us to the brink of nuclear war, obstructed justice, and taken money from foreign governments. We need to impeach this dangerous president. Sign on now”), has taken a page from Oliver’s book by paying to place an anti-Trump ad on this morning’s “Fox & Friends” on Fox News. The ad, above, has been on YouTube since Oct. 19 (as of this writing it’s racked up more than 800,000 views) and San Francisco-based Steyer, who made his fortune as a hedge fund manager and has backed various Democratic candidates, previously announced that he intends to spend $10 million running it on TV.

So was President Trump watching “Fox & Friends” this morning? Of course!

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Ad Age Ad Lib Podcast: Instagram's Kay Hsu Empathizes With Brands

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No More 'Dark Posts': Facebook to Reveal All Ads

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