Mudar de casa pode ser mais simples – conheça o Argo, que faz um inventário da sua mudança


Saiba o que foi colocado em cada uma das muitas caixas que você vai juntar quando precisar se mudar para outra localidade

> LEIA MAIS: Mudar de casa pode ser mais simples – conheça o Argo, que faz um inventário da sua mudança

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Digital Shops Get Boost as Clients Embrace E-commerce

When Mondelez, the marketer of brands from Chips Ahoy to Trident, asked Razorfish to help revamp its e-commerce strategy and more than double online sales within a couple of years, it was only the latest call along those lines to reach a digital agency. Top marketers have tripled the e-commerce requests reaching Razorfish over the past 18 months, according to agency executives, and other shops are reporting growth in the same area.

A narrowing gap between online sales and online marketing is fueling the trend, agencies and marketers say, as retailers such as Walmart emphasize e-commerce, social media grows as a viable sales channel and more people buy goods on mobile devices. “Increasingly, the CMOs are aware that the e-commerce store is actually becoming the front door to the brand,” said Shannon Denton, North America CEO at Razorfish. “We are seeing a reorganization to some degree of e-commerce and sales moving under marketing.”

Indeed, Mondelez recently assigned its e-commerce operation to Media Chief Bonin Bough, a veteran marketer. In addition to hiring Razorfish, Mondelez has partnered with ChannelSight to build a “buy now” button for Mondelez websites and social feeds. The button offers up a number of third-party sites selling the marketer’s products.

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AirBnB has a floating house available in London

Brothers and TBWA creative directors Nick and Steve Tidball created this floating house cottage that is making it’s way around the river Thames. It’s a two story building in bright blue, with a colorful mid-century modern interior, boasting two bedrooms, a bathroom and a living room, as well as its very own garden with a dog house. “Think Primrose Hill meets Pixar; it has all the charms of suburbia… but as you’ve never quite experienced them before.” The floating house will be towed up and down The Thames for a week, serving as an ad to encourage Londoners to rent out their homes via AirBnB, and come 22 of May, you could stay in it – provided you win the competition announced on this page. You won’t even have to cook, as Robert Ortiz, Michelin-starred head chef of Lima and Lima Floral will sort out dinner. How faboo.

Not the first strange apartment stunt for AirBnB, remember there was an apartment in an Airplane, there was an apartment in a cable car at a Swiss ski resort, and lets not forget the biggest stunt to date: the giant sleepover at Sydney Cricket grounds.

Fabulous Optical Illusions

La création d’illusions d’optiques est une pratique très tentante en photographie, et qui peut s’avérer très efficace. Mais le plus difficile est de les rendre réalistes et crédibles. Certains photographes parviennent parfaitement à tromper l’oeil de l’observateur.

Photo : Jorge Silva.

Photo : Konstantin Chernichkin.

Photo : Natasha-Marie Brown.

Photo : Tim Shaffer.

Photo : Bobby Yip.

Photo : Vivek Prakash.

Photo : Toru Hanai.

Photo : Jayanta Dey.

Photo : David Moir.


Special Plates to Take Pictures of Your Meals

Foodography est un projet imaginé par le restaurant Catit and Carmel Winery, situé à Tel Aviv. Ce restaurant propose une expérience culinaire et photographique à travers deux modèles d’assiettes : The Limbo, The 360 conçues pour accueillir un smartphone et se livrer une séance-photo de son propre repas, pour le prix de 155$/heure. Ce projet s’inscrit dans l’air du temps, entre influence des réseaux sociaux et stylisme culinaire, « food art » et « food pornography ». Une expérience à vivre à partir de Juin 2015.

The Limbo plate.

The 360 plate.


The AOR Model Won't Die; Deal With It

Category: Beyond Madison Avenue
Summary: Managing a brand without an agency of record, though a possibility, will never reap the same results in consistency, consumer recall and recognition, and overall campaign effectiveness.

Monochromatic Blue Paintings by Mark Tansey

Mark Tansey est un peintre américain qui crée des collages et peintures en utilisant le bleu outremer et le blanc afin de concevoir des oeuvres monochromes d’une précision rare. Ses dessins pourraient s’apparenter à de la photographie, tant la recherche des nuances de bleu, pour générer des ombres et lumières, est rigoureuse.


Facial-Recognition Lets Marketers Gauge Consumers' Real Responses to Ads

To avoid privacy concerns, the company does “anonymized aggregate analysis” and typically studies public venues where people are already being filmed, such as by a security camera, according to executives. “We keep the metadata,” said CEO Ken Denman. “We discard the image.”

Emotient recently worked with an undisclosed NBA team to analyze how faces in the crowd reacted to in-arena ads, including videos played on giant scoreboards. Theoretically, the data could be used to determine when during a game certain content gets the most attention and best reaction.

By analyzing faces in the crowd, Emotient also revealed a surprisingly basic fact: More women were attending games than the team had realized. The team “had no idea,” Mr. Denman said. That finding could result in more ads from brands targeting women, he said.

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Making Infomercials for the iPhone Generation

Over the past decade much of retail innovation has centered on technology, but the next step is about disruptive business models. Enabled by technology, e-tailers like MikMak and Jet are adapting to changing consumer needs and how they work with merchants.

“Business model innovations that mirror these cultural shifts probably could not have happened a decade ago,” said Liza Landsman, chief customer officer at Jet and former CMO at E-Trade.

Take infomercials, targets for parody on “Saturday Night Live” that are now getting a makeover on the MikMak app.

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J.C. Penney, Kohl's Go for Personalization

After reporting less-than-stellar earnings last week, retailers including J.C. Penney and Kohl’s are looking to save money by crafting more personalized marketing strategies, swapping out traditional media buys for digital campaigns they hope will prove more efficient.

The approach mimics that of Macy’s, which has focused on personalization and local efforts since initiating My Macy’s in 2009, a program that gave local executives more power.

Last month, J.C. Penney named Mary Beth West as both CMO and chief customer officer, succeeding CMO Debra Berman and expanding the post. The new dual role aims to give the company’s marketers more access to its trove of information on shoppers.

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Inside Google's Secret War Against Ad Fraud

In a conference room nine floors above London’s St. Giles High Street, a Russian engineer named Sasha booted up a computer and began giving me instructions.

“First step, let’s go to some website,” he commanded. “, how about that one?” As the page loaded on my browser, a stream of code ran down the screen in a separate window to the left. After a few seconds, Sasha explained what was happening. “I’m afraid that when you’re dealing with our team, you shouldn’t just go to a website when we tell you,” he said. The computer, brand new, was already infected. “You are participating in a botnet.”

Actually, the connection I was operating on was hacked, not; visiting any site on the internet would have infected the computer. But Sasha appeared to be enjoying my discomfort, and his work was just beginning.

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When Tempted by the Latest Marketing Tech, Remember the CueCat

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Cataclysm Happens Series

L’artiste et graphiste russe Evgeny Kazantsev a été commissionné en 2013 par l’agence Bang! Bang! afin de réaliser des illustrations pour le calendrier de la compagnie d’assurances Gefest. « Cataclysm Happens » relate les catastrophes naturelles à travers le monde : la fonte des glaces, les tremblements de terre, les changements de climats et les tsunamis où les hommes doivent survivre malgré les turbulences.


Financial Times Is Now Selling 'Long-Form' Digital Display Ads

Financial Times is a staid publication for the people in the front part of airplanes, but the London-based newspaper is embracing — and today making official — a radical way of selling digital advertising: by time spent, not the decades-old model of impressions.

With this new approach, called cost-per-hour, or CPH, Financial Times seeks to charge some advertisers by the number of hours their ads appear in front of certain segments of readers. The vast majority of publishers charge advertisers a rate called the CPM, for the cost per thousand people that are served an ad.

Financial Times executives refer to their cost-per-hour units as “long-form ads,” because advertisers are only charged when at least 50% of an ad appears on screen for more than five seconds of “active” time — meaning they’re engaged with the screen and have not, say, left their browsers open and gone for coffee. Chartbeat is working with Financial Times to measure all of this.

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Tiny Secret Beach in a Vietnamese Cave

Le photographe Lars Krux, âgé de 48 ans et travaillant pour l’agence Caters News, s’est rendu avec sa femme dans une grotte secrète du Vietnam où il a eu la chance de découvrir une petite plage cachée, à l’eau turquoise. Cette grotte s’appelle « Hang En » et mesure 130 mètres de hauteur et 150 mètres de diamètre : la taille suffisante du London Eye pour accueillir quelques campeurs.


Livraria Cultura Books: Never underestimate a great story.

Livraria Cultura

Advertising Agency:Miami Ad School/ESPM, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Art Director:Victor Yves
Copywriter:Luiz Otavio Medeiros

28 Too Many: Sweden, Germany, Italy, Holland, UK, Scotland

28 Too Many

Female genital mutilation doesn’t only happen in far away places.

Advertising Agency:Ogilvy & Mather, London, United Kingdom

Playing with Trajectories

L’artiste suisse Greg Barth aime jouer avec les couleurs et l’espace pour ses installations. Dans sa dernière création intitulée Trajectories 2, il a choisi de jouer avec les trajectoires dessinées par la balle frappée par une raquette. Pour cela il a installé quinze raquettes et des balles de couleurs dans une pièce sombre. Ces éléments sont éclairés les unes après les autres afin de donner l’impression d’un réel échange.


Anamorphic Head Sculptures

Imaginée par l’artiste et scientifique Jonty Hurwitz, « Hurwitz Singularity » est une sculpture anamorphique réalisée à partir d’une analyse des 4 dimensions de sa propre tête. Cette sculpture subjugue par la précision de son élaboration, qui selon le point de vue forme une tête d’homme ou dessine seulement les contours par tranches.


Portraits in Unusual Locations by JR

JR est connu pour son projet « Inside Out » où il appose des portraits d’hommes et de femmes sur les murs des villes où il passe. Mais il sait aussi faire parler son art dans des lieux inhabituels comme les trottoirs, la coupole du Panthéon à Paris ou encore sur des maisons de tôle au Bangladesh. Plus dans la suite.

Panthéon, Paris.

Coupole du Panthéon, Paris.

Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF), Paris.


Dhaka, Bangladesh.

La Havane, Cuba.

Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Rio de Janeiro, Brésil.

La Havane, Cuba.

Shanghai, Chine.

Shanghai, Chine.
