Wall Street Journal Launches Global Brand Campaign

desicreative – Indian Advertising Creative Blog and Community (beta 1.4)

The Wall Street Journal today launched “Make Time,” its new global brand campaign, which features ambitious, successful and intellectually curious readers who make time to read the Journal. Created with The&Partnership agency, the campaign is set to run through June 30, 2015 and kicks off with Tory Burch, Chief Executive Officer, designer and philanthropist; Bill McDermott, Chief Executive Officer of SAP, entrepreneur and author; and will.i.am, producer, entrepreneur and philanthropist.

Ms. Burch, Mr. McDermott, and will.i.am represent the wide-ranging successes and interests of subscribers who reap the benefits of reading the Journal despite increasing demands on their time. Additional Journal readers will be joining the “Make Time” campaign during its run, including Mike McCue, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Flipboard and Zhang Xin, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of SOHO China, the largest prime office real estate developer in China.

“This campaign highlights the value of making time to read the Journal, no matter how busy people are,” said Suzi Watford, Chief Marketing Officer, Dow Jones. “It also confirms that subscribing to the Journal puts you in a community with other ambitious people who prioritize being at the top of their game. Our subscribers are in very good company.”

“Make Time” is designed to illustrate the essential personal and professional value of a Journal subscription. The campaign will roll out on digital, print and social channels before launching via television and out of home advertising.



The campaign was developed under the direction of award winning film director Tom Carty and world-renowned photographer Brigitte Lacombe.
“The world’s busiest and most ambitious people, who have the least time to spare, still make time to read the Journal,” said Isaac Silverglate, Executive Creative Director at The&Partnership. ”For us, highlighting this truth was the most compelling way to show the Journal’s true value.”
“The “Make Time” campaign is the culmination of a business partnership that runs deep in both of our organizations,” said Victoria Davies, Managing Partner at The&Partnership. “We know that where people get their news has never been more important, and this campaign highlights the benefits of making time for the Journal.”

Agency: The&Partnership
Executive Creative Director: Isaac Silverglate
Film Director: Tom Carty
Photographer: Brigitte Lacombe
Client: The Wall Street Journal


Zhang Xin, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of SOHO China



Tory Burch, Chief Executive Officer, designer and philanthropist



will.i.am, producer, entrepreneur and philanthropist.


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Inside New Facebook Office by Frank Gehry

Voici un premier aperçu des nouveaux locaux de Facebook ingénieusement conçus par Frank Gehry sur le campus de Menlo Park. Baptisé « MPK 20?, ce lieu d’environ 40000m2 accueillera un tiers des équipes internationales du réseau social. Il reste pour l’instant fermé au public et seulement quelques instagramers triés sur le volet ont pu découvrir l’intérieur de l’édifice dont voici une sélection de quelques images.

by d.leong

by elizabethgilmore

by ashley812m

by conniec

by mjaquino

by m011yjane

by ddouthett

by essgee21

by d.leong

by tobyharriman

by tobyharriman

by sarastalla

by andrewblotky

by karendoolittle

by johnbarnett

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Big Changes at Heineken Include Exit of Global CMO

In an apparent cost-savings move, Heineken on Tuesday announced global organizational changes that include the departure of Global Chief Marketing Officer Alexis Nasard. Dolf van den Brink, president and CEO of the brewer’s U.S. division, will also leave the unit after a 6-year tenure and transfer to Mexico.

Starting in July, Mr. van den Brink will lead Cuauhtmoc Moctezuma/Heineken Mexico, which is Heineken’s largest operating company. He will be succeeded in the U.S. by Ronald den Elzen, a native of the Netherlands and a 20-year Heineken veteran who is currently managing director for Heineken in Portugal.

Nuno Teles, Heineken USA’s CMO, will remain in that role.

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How to Make Mobile Ad Tech Leaner

Mobile ad tech is the new gold rush. Silicon Valley’s entrepreneurs, as well as many people outside those blessed acres, have noticed that more and more of the world’s 10 billion consumer connections now come via a smartphone.

They’ve been joined by all the ad-tech experts from the desktop world, who are now claiming to have added the world of mobile to their cookie-based systems for desktop computers to create a cross-device paradise.

Here are three things worth noting:

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McDonald's to Finally Start All-Day Breakfast Test

McDonald’s is finally going to begin testing all-day breakfast in the San Diego area.

Talk of all-day breakfast at the Golden Arches has been around for years, and last year U.S. president Mike Andres said that the company would be a “modern progressive” destination for burgers and breakfast. Now the chain will begin the test in April in some stores in San Diego, but it’s too early to tell whether the test will expand beyond that.

From the Chicago Tribune:

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Will Tidal's Mega-Music-Star Model Pose a Threat to Streaming Giants?

Shawn “Jay Z” Carter and a lineup of mega-music stars have banded together to relaunch Tidal, a hi-fi music streaming service. Mr. Carter acquired Tidal earlier this month with his purchase of Norway tech company Aspiro for $56 million. The company, however, will not just belong to him, but also to his fellow artists. Sprint, the struggling third-placed carrier, has also been announced as a launch partner.

The service promises its users hi-fi, CD-quality audio and video, curated by the musicians themselves. It’s subscription costs are $19.95 for high quality streaming and $9.95 for standard streaming. Unlike Spotify, there will be no free ad-supported offering. At the outset, the service is pricy compared to the competition and, according to the Financial Times, “the deals with top recording stars do not include rights to music, which are held by the large labels that represent them.”

At an NYC event on Monday, teased by a celebrity-studded ad that broke earlier in the day, Mr. Carter was joined on stage by Beyonce, Usher, Daft Punk, Kanye West, Madonna, Jack White, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, Alicia Keys and many more. Ms. Keys addressed the crowd saying that the musicians were all banding together to launch an “artist-owned global music entertainment platform. … Our goal is simple: we want to create a better service and a better experience for both fans and artists. Our mission goes beyond commerce, it goes beyond technology. Our intent is to preserve music’s importance in our lives.”

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Skol aproveita hype e usa Periscope para transmitir show diretamente do Lollapalooza


A vantagem de um processo de aprovação de ideias ágil é que é possível aproveitar ideias que precisam ser executadas rápido. Foi esse o caso do uso do Periscope pela equipe de Skol, durante o festival Lollapalooza, em SP.

A empresa transmitiu ao vivo, através do Periscope, novo app do Twitter, um show surpresa da banca Tropkillaz, que aconteceu no Skol Park.

A sinergia entre a equipe do Twitter, o time da F/Nazca e da Skol, que estavam no Lollapalooza para promover a cobertura do evento, fez com que o processo de aprovação da ideia de transmitir o show via Periscope fosse tomado rapidamente. Eram mais de 30 profissionais no local, responsáveis pela geração de fotos, vídeos e informações em tempo real, como forma de intensificar a experiência de quem estava no festival.

O Periscope feito pela Skol pode ser assistido através do tuíte feito pela marca, mas é necessário acessar via mobile e ter o Periscope instalado para assistir.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Série de pôsteres mostra como nos relacionamos com a tecnologia


O designer Ajit Johnson resolveu satirizar os exageros que cometemos quando nos relacionamos com a tecnologia na série de pôsteres #ThisGeneration. São 16 ilustrações que pegam bem no nervo ao lembrar que as crianças de hoje preferem eletrônicos a brinquedos, que entre água e internet, a segunda opção costuma prevalecer como item de primeira necessidade.


Basicamente, Johnson convida o público a refletir sobre como nos tornamos dependentes da tecnologia, e como isso tem afetado outras áreas de nossas vidas. Vale conferir.

tec tec1

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Dados pessoais viram infográficos feitos à mão e enviados como cartões postais


Em uma era de banco de dados, experiências baseadas em algoritmos e rastros digitais buscando cada vez mais aperfeiçoar nossas experiências de forma sistemática, é impossível não se apaixonar pelo projeto Dear Data.

Dear Data é um projeto apaixonante que celebra o lado imperfeito, incompleto e extremamente humano dos dados da vida.<p class="quote__sharebar js-share-bar" data-url="http://wp.me/peBwt-eIg" data-picture="http://www.b9.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/deardata-destaque.jpg" data-title="Dados pessoais viram infográficos feitos à mão e enviados como cartões postais" data-caption="Brainstorm9" data-description="Dear Data é um projeto apaixonante que celebra o lado imperfeito, incompleto e extremamente humano dos dados da vida.”>compartilhe

As criadores são Giorgia Lupi, uma italiana morando em Nova York, e Stefanie Posavec, uma americana morando em Londres. Com tanta coisa em comum – elas tem a mesma idade, são filhas únicas, tem a mesma profissão e deixaram sua terra natal para morar em outro continente – o projeto nasceu naturalmente, após se encontrarem pessoalmente apenas duas vezes.

Toda semana, elas selecionam juntas um tópico de suas vidas diárias que irão medir. Em seguida, cada uma coleta dados sobre isso e os sumariza em um infográfico ilustrado à mão. Como tela, elas usam um cartão postal que é enviado uma para outra no final da semana.

Abaixo, você pode comparar as criações de cada designer, usando frente e verso dos postais para medir pequenos detalhes da vida.








Vício em celular


Contato físico


Transporte público





As designers usam dos detalhes mais pessoas e rotineiros de suas vidas para criar diferentes metáforas visuais e experimentar com técnicas totalmente manuais de visualização de dados.


Ao tentar capturar a vida que se desdobra ao redor de cada uma, no lugar de modernos sistemas digitais que automatizam tudo, elas buscam descobrir padrões escondidos entre dados mundanos e expressar cada aspecto de forma pessoal. 

Cada postal toma tempo para ser analisado, ilustrado, transportado e, finalmente, lido. Como resultado, tanto o processo como seu produto final é intensamente humano.

Dear Data revela um lado poético dos dados, pedindo por uma certa calma, sensibilidade e pessoalidade na hora de lidar com os detalhes da vida – coisas que muitas vezes nos escapam.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Robert Durst’s Wife Steps Back After Years of Defending Him

The relationship between Mr. Durst and Debrah Lee Charatan, who supported him once before when he was accused of murder, has taken a sharp turn.

After Deadline Blog: Tricky Little Things

When it comes to commas, more is not necessarily better.

Charter Communications to Buy Bright House Networks in $10 Billion Deal

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Futuristic Electric Cars – The Audi R8 e-tron is a High-Performance Electric Beast (GALLERY)

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100 Handy Travel Gadgets – From Portable Diagnostic Gadgets to Novelty USB Humidifiers (TOPLIST)

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Use condoms with care PSA: Adolf

Creative Director / Art Director: Ganesh Prasad Acharya
Copywriter: Kunal Srivastava

Use condoms with care PSA: Salvador

Creative Director / Art Director: Ganesh Prasad Acharya
Copywriter: Kunal Srivastava

Use condoms with care PSA: Joseph

Creative Director / Art Director: Ganesh Prasad Acharya
Copywriter: Kunal Srivastava

Mosaic Art with Rubik’s Cubes

Basé à Toronto, le studio Cube Works fait des portraits, fresques murales et sculptures de Rubik’s Cube. Ils s’inspirent du pop-art, des jeux vidéos tels que Mario Kart mais aussi des icônes populaires tels que Steve Jobs, les Beatles et Marilyn Monroe. Une sélection de leur travail est disponible dans la galerie.


Want to Charge More? Say It's Handmade

Category: Beyond Madison Avenue
Summary: Ah, yes; the old story of man versus machine. Which one will ultimately win the consumer? Which product source contains the most value?

When it comes to efficiency and pure quality in quantity, machine-made products are worthwhile. They have a high profit margin and can complete a sales cycle much faster.

But handmade products can tell a story of craftsmanship that machine-made products cannot. Plus, something done by hand will take longer to make (in most cases) than those done by machines…

The Labels on These Clothes Tell the Tragic Stories of the Workers Who Made Them

The label on a piece of clothing might reveal something about its provenance, but it hardly tells the whole story. The Canadian Fair Trade Network wanted to change that. To draw attention to people around the world who are working in unsafe conditions, these remarkable ads tell their stories on the labels of clothes they make. Powerful work by from agency Rethink.

The label above reads:

100% cotton. Made in Sierra Leone by Tejan. The first few times he coughed up blood he hid it from his family. They couldn’t afford medical treatment and he couldn’t risk losing his long-time job at the cotton plantation. When he fell into a seizure one day it could no longer be ignored. The diagnosis was pesticide poisoning. The lack of proper protective clothing has left him with leukemia at the age of 34. He has two daughters. One of them starts work at the factory next year. The label doesn’t tell the whole story.

See two more ads below.

100% cotton. Made in Bangladesh by Joya who left school at the age of twelve to help support her two brothers and newly widowed mother. Her father was killed when a fire ripped through the cotton factory where he works. She now works in the building across the street from the burned down factory. A constant reminder of the risk she takes everyday. The label doesn’t tell the whole story.

100% cotton. Made in Cambodia by Behnly, nine years old. He gets up at 5:00 am every morning to make his way to the garment factory where he works. It will be dark when he arrives and dark when he leaves. He dresses lightly because the temperature in the room he works reaches 30 degrees. The dust in the room fills his nose and mouth. He will make less than a dollar, for a day spent slowly suffocating. A mask would cost the company ten cents. The label doesn’t tell the whole story.

Client: Canadian Fair Trade Network
Agency: Rethink, Toronto/Vancouver/Montréal
Creative Directors: Ian Grais, Chris Staples
Art Director: Leia Rogers
Writer: Arrabelle Stravoff, Danielle Haythorne
Print Producers: Cary Emley, Sue Wilkinson
Photographer: Clinton Hussey
Studio Artist/Typographer: Jonathon Cesar
Account Manager Albane Rousellot