Yawn. Bud Light Takes Over Town. Calls It Whatever, USA. We Pardon the Millenials Who Came Up With the Idea


The whole brands takes over a town thing? So done. So over. But when you think about it, Bud Light taking over a town and calling it Whatever, USA for a period of time just might get a pass? Why?

Because the Millenials who came up with the idea were likely in junior high school when Half.com started the whole brand-renames-town thing way back in 2000.

Anyway, the Whatever, USA town takeover comes complete with a hipsterific mayor who’s trying to keep the whole thing a secret save for his pointing people to upforwhatever.com where people can “audition” to find out where the town is. Winners will be able to experience the town for its three day lifespan.

The stunt is yet another example of a brand milking a great one-off idea to the point of absurdity. Then again, the campaign’s creators were probably 13 year old hipster wannabees when Helf.com did its thing.

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