Untapped Gold: Tilt Shift Videos

Attention Ad people: Think of a brand that would fit these type of photo videos, throw in a logo at the end with some line about making problems small or we have everything in perspective (i’m not a write as you can see) and you’re golden. Oh and pick a brand that’s in an industry that’s usually dry like the finance industry.

Beached from Keith Loutit on Vimeo.

Bathtub II from Keith Loutit on Vimeo.

This Tilt Shift effect has been done a fair but with stills but this is really the first time it’s been done in video. It’s an effect that once it’s used once it loses it’s appeal. And there isn’t much else that hasn’t already been done. We all know that super slow mo has been done to death.

So has light drawing.

Stop motion too.

Anything else I’ve missed?

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