Traveler: Umbrella

Taiwan is a place with humid climate, which makes people feel wet and even colder during the winter. As known as the key point of a down coat to maintain warmth inside is to keep the down dry.
TRAVELER, as a leading brand of down coat in Taiwan, being the first brand to bring in the “water-repellent” down technology, in order to make the most functional down coat for all consumers.
We made a symbol to introduce this cutting edge technology, “the feather and eiderdown umbrella.” Beside its print commercial, we also organized a campaign that brought a “real” feather umbrella to the street around retailers and made people interested on it. They even took photos of it and asked some information about the down coat. 100% made of water-repellent down.

Advertising Agency: SHAPE Advertising, Taipei, Taiwan
Creative Directors: Norman Lin, Singing Wen, Alex Liu
Art Director: Brandon Chung
Copywriter: Helen Lu

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