Evil App of the Day: SkinneePix Makes Your Selfies Skinnier With a Tap of a Finger
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Looking a little plump in that vacation selfie? That's what a few too many poolside margaritas and a nasty sunburn can do. Care to slim that down before you share with the world? Sure, there's an app for that.
SkinneePix, created by a female-led, Phoenix-based company called Pretty Smart Women, says it can shave five, 10 or 15 pounds off that bloated iPhone self-portrait with the tap of a finger. No cardio or Photoshop required!
One of the developers told the Los Angeles Times that she didn't intend the app to replace actual physical work on a user's girth, but instead to provide "inspiration" to shed a few pounds. SkineePix is defending itself against some haters on Twitter by noting that it's "not a diet app."
What is it, according to Pretty Smart Women? "Simple. Fun. Our little secret," and it can be the "equivalent of sucking in your tummy." If you have the stomach for it, that is.
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