Time Stops, Drivers Talk in Distressing Road Safety PSA


We’re not quite sure what it is. Or why. But New Zealand, Australia and the UK consistently create the best road safety commercial in the world. This new one from Clememger BBDO for New Zealand’s Transport Agency is a bit different in its approach from PSAs that drag us through the horror of an automobile accident and more akin to the Sussex Safer Roads Embrace Life PSA which employed slow motion.

This New Zealand PSA takes things even slower. In fact, it stops things completely. As two drivers approach impending — and seemingly inevitable — doom, they step out of their vehicles and have a conversation about what’s about to happen. Much like what happens inside one’s own head prior to an accident. Time does seem to, in a sense, stop, as your brain — at light speed — analyzes the situation as if time had stopped. We speak from experience here.

But, in most cases — and in this ad — it’s just talk. The accident is inevitable. There is nothing that can be done at this point. All the hemming, hawing and apologizing won’t change the outcome. The message? Think things through before you reach the point of no return.

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