Three winners of the Video Music Awards – Mr. Roboto, Gil Green and Wayne Isham

It is to some (like me the old fart who remembers the first time that moon-dude planted an MTV flag, and Mick Jagger mouthing George Lois genius line “I want my MTV”) just a tad weird that MTV stills host the Video Music Awards, as I haven’t seen an actual music video on MTV for years. This year marks the 25th annual VMA’s – and like with the age of pop-starlets thats right about the time you become largely irrelevant and only watched by die-hard fans who can’t let go. (Madonna excluded by she makes up her own rules doesn’t she?)

Still, they do it, and they give out little moon-men shaped awards and all the pop-starlets and stardudes are there and some directors get to show off their work – so lets have a look at three winning videos this year shall we? (all inside)

Co-director/Founder Chris Robinson (aka Mr. Roboto) of Robot Films and Co-Director Erykah Badu took home the Best Direction VMA Sunday night at Paramount Studios in Hollywood for Erykah’s single Honey off her latest album, New Amerykah.

Robinson is no stranger to the VMA’s with over 15 nominations in various categories, but this year marks his first win for Best Direction.

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