The Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation: End The Cycle, 3

gyro New York is the pro-bono agency for The Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation. We have been working to spotlight the message that exposure to domestic abuse as a child can greatly increase the likelihood of perpetuating violence as they grow up. This startling truth about the cycle of violence and the need to end it is precisely what The Joe Torre Safe At Home Foundation and its national advertising campaign were created to change.

Founded in 2002 by Major League Baseball Hall of Fame Manager Joe Torre and his wife Ali, Safe At Home’s mission is to provide education to end the cycle of domestic violence and save lives. To amplify its important mission and message, this year Safe At Home debuted its largest awareness campaign to date and its first in nearly 12 years. These are the first print ads. An “End the Cycle” TV ad ran earlier this year on CBS, A&E and additional top networks.

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