The Five Best Super Bowl Ads of 2013
Posted in: UncategorizedWe have to say we’re in complete agreement with Tim Nudd over at AdWeek whose top five Super Bowl ad picks mirror ours exactly. Now, picking the top five Super Bowl ads, of course, is pure speculation and opinion because, of course, the only thing that really matters is did the ad sell any product. And we certainly won’t know that for a while, if ever.
That minor detail aside, here are our (and Tim’s) top five Super Bowl advertising picks for 2013.
Taco Bell Viva Young
The work, which follows the usually-always-humorous strategy of old people doing young things, appeals to a broad demographic swath in that younger folks can chuckle at their own antics as actioned by the octogenarians. And older folks can vicariously relive their own youthful antics from back in the day. Created by Deutsch.
Oreo Whisper Fight/Dark Dunk
Oreo gets a spot on this list not so much for its ad, though it was very entertaining and “on brand” but for its real-time ad in reaction to the power outage during the game. Wieden + Kennedy created the ad and 360i was behind the power outage ad.
Samsung’s The Next Big Thing
The ad, which features Seth Rogan, Paul Rudd and Bob Odenkirk, is a brilliant riff on current advertising tactics with specific callouts to the over use of Psy, sending people into space ala Axe, talking babies, crowdsourcing…and even celebrity endorsement by LeBron James who makes an appearance on a Samgsung tablet. Caveat” We could like this spot simply because it’s so target to our industry. 72andSunny created.
Budweiser Clydesdales Brotherhood
In this Budweiser Clydesdale Super Bowl ad, set to the tune of Stevie Nicks’ Landslide, we witness the journey of a baby Clydesdale from birth on a farm to parade work in Chicago. The spot, created by Anomoly, celebrates the return of the Clydesldales to front and center having, for the past few years, been relegated to supporting roles.
Ram Farmer
The late Paul Harvey’s famed So God Made A Farmer speech was incorporated into the ad created by The Richards Group. The words come from a speech Harvey gave in 1978 at the National FFA Convention. The speech is moving and the images that accompany truly encapsulate the message; there are some people out there who work really hard for little money and out of love for their craft. Just brilliant work.
There were some accusations the ad is a copy of a video but it turns out Chrysler is working with the organization to support the Future Farmers of America and the video gives a nod to the Ram Truck ad.
Honorable Mention
We give honorable mention to the Doritos Goat 4 Sale ad purely for its over-the-top craziness and that screaming goat! And to Jeep for its message to the military delivered by Oprah.
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