Slide right into a purple haze with Drank

Drank If you keep purple stuff all in yo cup when ur rollin’ up, then you’re in luck. Now you can “Slow your roll” in true hip-hop fashion with a legal version of the purple sizzurp. Drank, the Anti-Energy Drink, is a carbonated, grape-flavored concoction with melatonin, valerian root and rose hips. It’s modeled after “purple drank,” an over-the-counter drug cocktail of soda, cough syrup and codeine (note the cough syrup bottle on the Drank label). The drug version was first made popular by DJ Screw (although I think Homer Simpson should get some credit for inventing the cough-syrup cocktail in 1991). After a number of hip-hop anthems to the purple stuff, it spread throughout the southern U.S. Fortunately, the legal stuff is less likely to end up with a “Notable deaths” section on its Wikipedia page. It might just be the perfect thing to bring your down after a can of Cocaine. So, can I buy u a Drank? Via the Village Voice.

—Posted by Rebecca Cullers

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