Side Note: Advertising Employees And The Election

While we are all busy planning, producing, shooting and coding the next big campaign, there’s a little thing called the Presidential election happening outside the office doors. In an article about Obama’s recent trip to Richmond an advertising executive got some press lines:

Rye Clifton, an advertising executive at the Martin Agency, stands in Starbucks by the glass doors opening into the hotel. When Republican-nominee Sen. John McCain was in town in June, Clifton tormented Shockoe Espresso, a coffee competitor two blocks down the street, by retrieving the still-full mug McCain left behind. He sold the “mug of lies” on eBay for S213.61 and donated it to Obama. The incident so angered the manager of the coffee shop that he banned Clifton from returning.”

Go on Rye! I’m not sure which is more surprising: that he made it out of the office long enough to get in some guerrilla action or that someone paid two hundred smackers for the mug?

Clifton is also the guy behind the video, which took Unilever to task for pushing the pro-women message of the Dove brand with one hand, while the other is totally rubbing some T&A with Axe. Love it.

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