Rob Lowe Accuses YouTube of Ripping Off Grey’s DirecTV Work for New Campaign

So, you remember all those creepy/ugly/skinny/painfully awkward versions of Rob Lowe that appeared in Grey’s maybe-misleading campaigns for DirecTV a few years ago.

That was all before AT&T bought the company and consolidated its advertising business with Omnicom. But Mr. Lowe doesn’t forget—and yesterday he seems to have called out another brand for ripping Grey’s work.

Right, because that was the first time anyone ever thought to use one actor playing multiple characters at the same time.

The DirecTV stuff has all been pulled from YouTube, but some helpful person put it all together so we could provide context.

And here’s the Julio Jones ad he appears to be referencing.

So, that was not very good.

YouTube TV is a World Series sponsor, and it has been airing ads like this one promoting its live video service during the games.

We can’t speak for hyper-sensitive celebrities, but it’s something of a stretch to compare the ad above to the DirecTV work. It’s kind of insulting to the Grey team as well.

In retrospect, that campaign’s greatest achievement may have been making Rob Lowe likeable.

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