Print Ad for Moto X Lets You Change the Phone’s Color With the Push of a Button

Whether you think it's a long-awaited ad hybrid or just a high-cost gimmick, this upcoming interactive print ad for Motorola's Moto X is definitely pushing people's buttons.

Running in 150,000 New York and Chicago editions of January's Wired magazine, the ad lets readers change the color of the handset on display by tapping controls located at the bottom of the page.

The ad's functionality, achieved via wafer-thin LEDs and batteries and created by Digitas, mimics the more full-featured MotoMaker site that allows you to browse the device's customizable options. Bloggers and viewers of the preview video seem mixed on whether this is truly innovative or just a stunt that would be too expensive to be widely replicated in print. Others just seem happy they don't have to pull out their smartphones to play with the ad: "The future of print advertising?" one YouTube commenter jokingly asked. "Can't be—there's not a freakin' #QRcode in sight.?"

Other recent efforts blurring the lines between conventional and cutting-edge include a Nivea print promo that uses solar power to charge cellphones, a CW live Twitter feed embedded in a magazine ad and a billboard that draws moisture out of desert air and turns it into safe drinking water.

Via Mashable.


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