New Company to Make Sure Your Brand Isn’t Misrepresented Online


Over the last few years, as the online marketing industry has continued to grow and evolve, its practices and technologies have become increasingly complex. There are new marketing channels popping up all around us and opening up previously unknown revenue streams that are lucrative to both brand manufacturers and resellers alike.

The challenge for brands though is in taking advantage of these new opportunities, because despite their ability to generate more revenue, they also generate more potential risks for large brands because of the number and anonymity of the affiliates involved. Thus, companies often forfeit control over the ways in which their brand is represented in the hopes of earning more profit, but this is a dangerous game.

Until now, brands have been stuck using various single-channel service providers to monitor and manage their different online marketing channels. While this puts some of the control back into the brand’s hands, it’s an incredibly inefficient way of going about things. But as problems in the marketplace arrive, so do solutions, and that’s what AdAssured hopes to offer.

AdAssured provides monitoring and compliance solutions for retail brands to help them manage their online marketing channels. The company offers three different service packages — affiliate compliance, reseller monitoring, and publisher brand oversight — and monitors and manages brand violations in search, content, email, malware, fraud, domain, link disruption, product catalog, price MAP, and more.

Of the offering, AdAssured Director of Operations Giuseppe Manzella said, “AdAssured was built to assess and manage threats to retail brands and manufacturers in virtually all advertising channels, helping brands make quick decisions and eliminating time intensive tasks for retailers. Our technology and service is unique in that it provides our clients with an all-inclusive service for monitoring and protecting their online presence.”

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