Letters From the Readers

Tips, press releases and comments AdLab received over the past couple of weeks. Sorry for the hole in the publishing schedule — a hectic week at work.

Call for contributions: stories about advertising on the streets of your town. “On your next commute to work, take a moment to look around you. What do you see? Have you noticed these advertisements before? Do they bother you? Do you agree with them? Are they paid advertisments or is it graffiti?”

– Very transmedia: Batwave TV-Activated Handheld Batlink Game: “Tune in to the Batman cartoon and get secret messages from Batman. Capture special signals that add challenges to the handheld game.” (Thank you, Erwin!)

Ad Council Creative newsletter “highlights the wonderful creative developed each year by the industry’s leading advertising agencies that donate their time and talent to the Ad Council’s critical issues.”

– A couple of weeks ago, I got a heads-up from a creative duo who put a rejected campaign idea up for sale on eBay: “The idea was killed internally and our attempt to sell it on ebay is refusal to accept the decision or let the idea die.” I just checked back: the winning bid was £5. Now I am sorry I didn’t bid; wonder what the idea was.

– Welcome “the world’s largest and most powerful air vortex cannon” from the people who brought you the human flipbook last year.

– A bizarre Flash animation that is explained as a piece that “combines generative (driven by live events such as actual time (see stop frame numbers in shelves), sound input and live online weather feeds as well as interactive elements (things the user can manipulate), without ever breaking the illusion that it is a filmic piece”. You blog into your mic, you click on stuff, but I’m not sure about what actually happens.

– An academic paper on “Advertising in Online Games and EC Audiovisual Media Regulation.”

– A blog post about how big agencies don’t get interactive.

– I always liked the idea of trailers for books, and here’s an entire YouTube channel of them.

– A Nuts widget from Snickers that you can customize.

– How do you get an ad campaign written up at NYTimes?

69 things to make with duct tape.

– From an email pitching a blog about women on the web: “After reading your blog for awhile, I’d thought you might enjoy.” Who compiles these lists?

– A presentation about urban planning and remixing culture.

Another twist on the million dollar page, only with rooftops as a mash-up of Google Maps. Loving the hammer and sickle.

What happens if one day you can’t get into your Google account.

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