Latest news

The very lazy (we meet up once a year) but nevertheless always exciting dorkbot berlin is having another gig on January 28, 2008 at c-base. It’s one night before the opening of the Transmediale festival. If you live in Berlin or just hit the town for Transmediale and if you want to show off your projects, do let us know by droping an email to sedlag at snafu dot de.


Somewhat unrelated but it feels so weird now to write a post which will have less than 1290 lines that i’m cramming another piece of information here. The paper mecca of design addicts, ICON magazine, had the bad idea to invite me to be their guest editor. I invaded the pages at my disposals and gave them a theme: activism. After that everything went smoothly, i asked the 3 persons i admire the most to contribute to the issue with a text that explains readers how they can recreate at home one of their activist projects: there’s guerrilla architect Santiago Cirugeda, fashion renegade Otto von Busch and finally Head of the Environmental Health Clinic Natalie Jeremijenko who teamed up with Debra Solomon to give you an exclusive page of their (hopefully upcoming) InterSpecies Cookbook. I haven’t seen the magazine yet but i’m hoping that their ideas will shake up a bit the glossy surface of the design world.

Image: Otto von Busch. Photo by Jens Klevje

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