Hugo Boss Man: City Sound
Posted in: UncategorizedThe sound of the city goes boom, for real, as you turn
the corner and hear… the rush of action, ain’t no time
for relaxin’ Jackson, just move and groove to the bass
line smooth, or ruff cuts the face of those who stop
and stare at traffic lights, red green go, spins spacial
motifs, breaks down movement, light, and fragrance
of sound through crowded streets, pitter patter of a
million feet, zig zag cross over and repeat and repeat
and repeat. Can I get a rewind. The sound of the city
goes boom, for real, vibration and zeal peel back the
mask of the unsung arterial funk, coursing through
vascular tunnels, a whirling twisted vortex of symphonic
funnels rising above never ending over space sensations
and time waves over days and nights, blinking neon lights,
sizzle and spark after dark, high pitch screech, drums beat
on corners, pots and pans, cars trucks and vans all with
their own plans, sports fans in the stands, munching on
good and plenty, hey man can I get a penny, if any, is the
hymn of the concrete chorus of many, bursting with a
sonic manifest destiny of energy, expansive bold ready
for anything and everything, city wide, moving in and out
of control. The sound of the city is in your soul.
Overall winner, round 3 theme – City Sounds, Hugocreate International contest. Over 3000 entries. The Ad poster was created using original poetry by Adam Mathew Lipton.
Advertising Agency: Fuelstation, Madrid, Spain
Creative Director / Art Director / Copywriter: Adam Mathew Lipton
To be published: September 2008
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