How to Avoid Copycatting Dead Ad Trends


If you hadn’t noticed, in the world of advertising, things come and things go. What’s cool today is passé the next. It’s a fickle business with an inherent lemming-like underpinning that almost requires brands to quickly jump on the latest trend lest they be viewed as stodgy and out of touch.

But the problem with this approach to things is twofold. Much like the movie business, in which most sequels never live up to the original, rarely do “advertising sequels” live up to the original and rarely does the much pontificated “next big thing” ever truly come to pass.

In celebration of this hard to shake advertising trait, we’re going to take a look at some of advertising’s trends that wish they could have become more than trends – and how a little collaborative foresight could have avoided both the time wasted willing these trends that never were into fruition and the embarrassment that resulted from choosing to be a copycat.


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