High School Musical 3 Gets Good Grades

One would think that once sequels start to take place, a dip in the quality of the movie production would ensue. But as far as High School Musical 3 is concerned, they have surprisingly humbled the movie watchers of sequels as far as their 3 installments of the Walt Disney flick is concerned. But don’t tell that to critics who seem far from satisfied.

Sequels have had that bad branding throughout the years. A lot of it is because people are expecting no less than the original film that was initially shown. There are a lot of factors to consider. But for Disney Films, they have maintained this musical to become a memorable one for ages to come. Make sure you don’t miss it!

(Source) Yahoo Movies

Brian Yalung is an Editor at Talent Zoo mainly contributing to latest news and issues on advertising and marketing. He is the editor for Beyond Madison Avenue and Beneath the Brand Blogs of Talent Zoo.

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