Gun Safety PSA Says It’s the Right to Bear Arms, Not the Right to Be A Dumbass


Evolve, a non profit gun safety organization founded by Jon Bond and his wife Rebecca, is out with its first PSA. Entitled The Bill of Rights for Dumbasses, the PSA takes a satirical look at your founding fathers reviewing the Bill of Rights.

In reviewing the second amendment, the Thomas Jefferson character says the second amendment is too long and the phrase “as long people aren’t being dumbasses about it” isn’t needed because it should be a given.

We are then shown hilarious scenes of, dumbass gun handing scenarios.

The video ends with an interesting twist. The founding fathers themselves go outside and play piñata with a rifle toting guy wearing a blindfold. Pretty dumasss, right?

So what’s the point? The founding fathers were dumbasses for leaving out the dumbass phrase? American will always be dumasses when it comes to guns? Playing piñata is awesome with a blindfolded gunman?

Of the work, Rebecca Bond says,”Safety is not a side. Gun owners and non-gun owners live with guns in this country, and we should all be able to have a collaborative conversation about how to think about gun safety. Humor can be a gateway to taking away the defensiveness that is the legacy of these discussions. We hope to put this conversation on the kitchen table and start talking about it.”

Well it certainly has started a conversation. But it’s the usual vitriolic kind with people taking sides and calling others who don’t see things their way dumbasses. At least on YouTube.

Personally, we don’t think this issue will ever be solved. Until aliens land, determine who the dumasses are — gun owners and non-gun owners alike — and vaporize them like a piñata.

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