Ferrero – The White Truth – (2015) #Glasslion shortlist – (UAE)

Ferrero - The White Truth - (2015) #Glasslion shortlist - (UAE)
Grey Mena (Grey Dubai) have been doing impressive work for some time, but this is the first time they made me cry. I’ve lived in Jeddah, I barely made it out of Saudi but that’s a story for some other day. So, I know that the situation shown for women in this video exists. I know how powerful a place to speak freely must be to them. I’m also really surprised that they did all this over facebook – how did that feel safe?

Now, everyone will mention Always “Like a girl” and the Grand Prix winner “Touch the pickle” when speaking of the first Glass Lion, and they’ll talk at length about women working in advertising and how many ECD’s and creatives are women, etc. But the Glass Lion didn’t just deal with gender, it dealt with huge cultural differences. As proven by the winner, from India, where menstrual taboos still exist. The worlds cultural differences really came to a head in this award, which is designed to award work which “implicitly or explicitly address the issues of gender inequality”.

And it breaks my heart that this one, and UN Woman “My Mother’s Name is” from Impact BBDO, aren’t mentioned every time the Glass Lion is written up in western press. This Ferrero work a much more important piece than I can even begin to explain. It’ a really brave piece of work. Well done Grey Dubai. Now pass the kleenex.

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