‘Eye On’ Aims to Provide Proof of Marketing’s Financial Performance


Black Ink, a division of Boston-based Winsper, has announced Eye On Enterprise Marketing ROI Suite, a cloud-based offering that provides brands with empirical evidence regarding marketing’s contribution to the bottom line. Eye On reports on more than 50 interdependent key performance indicators (KPIs) across Marketing ROI, Customer ROI, and Business ROI. It is said to work with any database environment including enterprise resource planning (ERP), sales force automation (SFA), marketing resource management (MRM), marketing automation (MA), and point of sale (POS).

According to a roll up of several recent studies from IBM, IDC, Forrester and others as compiled in this infographic, 75 percent of CEOs are not convinced that marketers understand ROI. On the other hand, 75 percent of CMOs understand that return on marketing investment (ROMI) will be the primary measure of their effectiveness, but only half feel sufficiently prepared to provide hard numbers.

Of the offering, Black Ink President Jeff Winsper said, “Eye On delivers the hard data that CFOs and CEOs have been asking their marketing teams for since – well, since forever. Campaign ROI is important, and Eye On measures it, but campaign measurement alone falls short of what finance or the boardroom requires to measure success. Eye On delivers the bottom line numbers about marketing’s specific contribution to the business metrics that matter most such as revenue, margin, growth, acquisition, and sales productivity. Eye On is the solution that finally gives marketers the ability to demonstrate their proof of fiscal performance.”

Winsper said, “Eye On goes beyond other analytic tools by giving marketers not only the answer to ‘What is my ROI?’ but deeper questions as well including ‘Where did the return come from, who did it come from, and when can I expect it?’ thus allowing for better marketing planning and improved performance.”

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