Everywhere Girl, the stock-photo celebrity

You never really know how small the world is until you start working with stock photography. One day, you’re putting a young professional on the cover of a bank brochure; the next, you’re seeing the same young professional in a university bookstore ad. Thus is the blessing and the curse of Jennifer Anderson, who posed for a stock photo shoot more than 10 years ago. Those shots of her looking hip yet studious have since popped up in countless ads and on book jackets for everything from Backpacking With God to Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescence, leading her to be dubbed “The Everywhere Girl.” Thanks to image-recognition software, it’s easier than ever to collect her endless appearances. In fact, she’s more “everywhere” than ever these days: You can read her blog (which includes “recent sightings”) and follow her on Twitter. Do you have a favorite stock-art celebrity that you love or hate to see all over the marketing map? If so, post a link in the comments, and maybe we can crown the new Everywhere Person. Via Presurfer.

—Posted by David Griner

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