Emirates NBD 'When you're not around…" (2015) 3:50 (UAE)
Posted in: UncategorizedEmirates NBD is one of the Middle East’s leading banks. To sell their Life Insurance policy they created a video which compelled parents heading out on business trips to ponder what life will be like when they aren’t around. They interviewed kids and spouses alike who shared their thoughts on what it’s like when mommy or daddy isn’t around. While it’s an interesting idea that will surely get people thinking about what will happen when they are gone for good, so to speak, it’s actually a stronger comment on how your spouse and your kids aren’t thinking about what will happen after you’ve died. No, they’re thinking about how they’d be overjoyed if you worked a little less and stayed home more while you’re still alive. When the tear rolls down the father’s cheek as he’s sitting in the back of the limo, he’s probably pondering that, and not what will happen when he’s no longer on Earth. If he then ponders the second part, all I can say is this spot’s depressing in two ways.
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