Dull Pre-Roll Ads Begone Thanks to BETC’s ‘Ad Filter’ for D&AD

If you’re sick and tired of the bland, insipid and often annoying pre-roll ads that are commonplace throughout the web these days, the folks at BETC and D&AD have cooked up something worthwhile in the wake of the latter’s 2015 awards show. The parties involved have unveiled the aptly titled “Ad Filter,” which replaces tired pre-rolls with some of the most memorable ads that happen to be past D&AD winners and will likely make you less inclined to hit skip.

The plug-in works for both Chrome and Firefox and once you hit the on switch, the usual bad pre-rolls get blocked in favor of some of the most classic ads in recent times, including Fallon’s Phil Collins-loving gorilla drummer for Cadbury and the Jean-Claude Van Damme split spot for Volvo. Olivier Apers, executive creative director at BETC Paris, simply states, “We wanted to demonstrate that people don’t hate advertising, they just hate bad advertising.” By trying to inspire a little creativity before people watch their video of choice, we say the ads–all D&AD affiliation aside–were wisely chosen.


Advertising Agency: BETC / BETC Digital, France
Chief Creative Officer: Stephane Xiberras
Executive Creative Director: Olivier Apers
Art Director: Alphons Conzen, Jonathan Baudet-Botella
Copywriter: Adrian Skenderovic
Development: Cogit
Motion Design: Raphaël Benhamou

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