DDB Teases Skittles Super Bowl Spot

Skittles released a teaser of DDB’s Super Bowl spot for the brand today, but the content of the final spot remains a mystery.

The 15-second teaser shows a series of people with bulbous, muscular right arms (and normal left arms), ending with the text, “Super Bowl Sunday. It Will Be Settled.” What exactly “it” is and how it will be settled exactly remain unclear. Notably there is no sign of Marshawn Lynch, despite his association with the brand (and the Seahawks Super Bowl appearance). The brand will, however, be releasing a limited edition blue and green “Seattle Mix” to celebrate the team.

“While the two games settle things on the field, we’ll have people in a small town settling things, and this (commercial) will be about how they do that,” Matt Montei, senior marketing director for confections at Mars’ Wrigley unit, told Adweek.

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