Dubai International Film Festival: by Leo Burnett Dubai

The truth about film is that everyone sees it differently. Inspired by this insight, we created The DIFF Film Personality Test. A series of credible Inkblots designed to build interest for the festival by giving people an idea of what films they may be interested in. By teaming up with acclaimed Clinical Psychologist Dr. Raymond Hamden (who conducted in-depth studies over a two-month period) we gathered film-related psychometric results.

We created a range of interactive versions of the Film Personality Test, tailor made for each medium. After taking the tests, people were directed to a list of movie trailers, based on their interpretations, which were available to watch at this year’s festival.

Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Creative Directors: Peter Bidenko, Nabil Rashid
Art Director / Illustrator: Rafael Augusto
Junior Art Director: Mahdy Elhosseny
Copywriter: Sunny Deo
Additional credits: Lara El Barkouki, Nadia Bedaywi, Farah Nheme, Dr. Raymond Hamden




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