Agency Creates App to Break the Cycle of Over-Hashtagging
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You think you're clever, but you're not, with your #amirite, #notgonnalie, #bitchesbetrippin and (God forbid) #epic. You, wanton hashtagger, must be stopped.
Threshold Interactive, an independent digital shop in Los Angeles, has created an app called Hash Snag that aims to rid the world of #useless #meaningless hashtags. That's a whole lot of heavy lifting.
Here's how it works: The app intercepts your attempted tweets and then butchers them to help you avoid embarrassment. It either erases the hashtags for you or replaces the most common offenders (#YOLO, #LOL, etc.) with self-defeating terms like #Unfollow.
The agency, responsible for "Pocket Like It's Hot," Snoop Lion's musical ode to frozen meat snacks, dispatched chief innovation officer John Montgomery to explain why we need this tool. In the video below, he tries to chip away at the problem of misused, over-the-top hashtagging. And, oh yeah, he mows down a distracted hashtag abuser with his car. Hey, #shehaditcoming.