Internet Hero Hunts Down All 74 Stickers From Apple's New Ad
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If you watched that new Apple ad with dozens of stickers adorning a MacBook Air and felt compelled to track down all 74 in real life, I have bad news and good news.
The bad news is, uh, that’s a strange and unnatural compulsion you’ve got there. The good news? Someone already did it for you!
Mike Wehner at The Unofficial Apple Weblog sussed out all 74 stickers featured in the ad, and while several weren’t actually available for purchase, he came up with some pretty good alternatives.
You’d think that a brand that built a commercial around customizing its product would have planned to offer all of its examples for easy purchase, but apparently not. Maybe Apple was hoping to target people who already own cool decals and convince them to buy a nice $1,000 computer or two to go with them.