Watch This Insanely Strange Foreign Language Certification Ad…Before It Gets Removed From YouTube at Midnight! (OK, Just Kidding About That Last Part)


You know how you sometimes watch certain ads and you’re like, “Damn, that’s really bad. Where they trying to make it bad or did they just have no idea what they were doing?” After viewing this gigantic-created ad for Samsung subsidiary ProFluent, a language fluency certification service, we’re pretty sure it’s the former. At least we hope it’s the former.

Watch as these insane applicants go to great lengths trying to convince the hiring manager that they can, in fact, speak Spanish. And then us know from which end of the spectrum this ad came.

Even if Your Toshiba Laptop Could Withstand Dog Slobber, Would You Even Want to Use It?


In it continuing mission to prove the reliability of its laptops, Toshiba is out with some field testing in which Matt and Jamie put the brand’s laptop to all sorts of crazy tests. One such test is Gusto, a dog who slobbers all over the keyboard of a Toshiba laptop while trying to consumer a piece of bacon…all to prove how much wear and tear a Toshiba laptop can withstand.


Havas Brings Hefty Dose of Sexy to Garbage Men…For Hefty


Havas Chicago has created a very Liquid Plumber-like ad for Hefty to tout the brand’s new Ultimate trash bags. In the ad, three buff guys — and one not so buff guy just to make it PC — tantalize a woman with the bag’s ultimate features.

Not double entendre-laden as the Liquid Plumber work but off the beaten p[ath for garbage bag ads for sure.

Old Spice ‘Momsong’ Ad Is the Best Weirdest Ad You Will Ever See


To a teenager there’s nothing worse than having your mother creep into your social life. Yet, that’s exactly what a group of moms does in this new Old Spice ad called Momsong. In the ad, the moms break into song and lament the fact their little boys are turning into grown men. Mothers emerge from behind closed doors, from the sky, in a laundry basket dragging behind a car, from underneath couch cushions and from behind creepy looking janitor masks.

The ad debuted last Friday and already has over one million views on YouTube. It is, by far, one of the craziest ads we have ever seen.

The Strangest Car Wash Ads You Will Ever See


OK so while these may be the only car wash ads you’ve ever seen (seriously, when was the last time you ever saw a car wash ad?), they are certainly the strangest. But we love the “come clean” concept. It’s like a confessional except with water and scrub brushes. The ads, created by TAXI Vancouver, are for Hughes Carwash.


Giant Duck Attacks Wedding Attendees in Crazy Cereal Ad


This is one of the most awesomely weird commercials we have seen in a very long time. It’s for a cereal brand called Oatmeal Crisp and it features various “crunching” competitions between the cereal and a tortoise, a duck, a marionette and a pair of robots. But, by far, the duck version is the best. Like any good wedding slaughter, there’s lots of screaming and lots of “blood.”

Crazy Ad Featuring ‘Most Interesting’ Vinter Urges Belgians to ‘F&%K Me Rich!’


In this Belgian ad for the Vallformosa winery a very Most Interesting Man-looking man named Rodriguez Diaz Perez Borges Y Cabron de Fernandez Figueroa Y Pintxos de Martinez is visited by his dead father who urges him to sell more cava. He then urges all Belgians to have more sex so more babies are born so when they grow up they can drink all the cava Rodriguez Diaz Perez Borges Y Cabron de Fernandez Figueroa Y Pintxos de Martinez plans to make. Get it?

Oddity this great can only come from DuvalGuillaume.

When There’s a Banana on Your Swing and A Monkey on Your Ass, You Need Kvass


What’s the best cure for a hangover? Don’t let yourself be misled by all those organic concoctions that do nothing but make you smell funny. No, the best cure for a hangover is more booze. Just ask the experts, the Russians. Admittedly well known for getting their epic drink on, they have a product called KBAC/kvass which is created by the fermentation of flour and malt and results in a beverage with 1.2% alcohol, just the right amount to take the edge off a hangover.

Or so we are led to believe in this Red Pepper-created commercial. Because after all, this method is akin to fighting fire with fire which, wait a minute, firefighters actually did employ this as a fire fighting tactic so maybe drinking more booze in the morning is all good. OK. Sounds great to us!

Honda Sends Ghost Hunter to Rid 1996 Civic of Spirits


As part of its Something Special Campaign, Honda sent a ghost hunter to Ernie Santos who claimed his 1996 Honda Civic is haunted. Apparently, the spirits in the car were victims of some sort of crime or accident.

Honda sent the ghost hunter, Erik Vanlier of Valley Investigators of the Paranormal, in response to a comment Ernie left on the brand’s Facebook page.

Following the encounter during which Vanlier asks the spirits to leave, Santos reports he no longer senses the whispers and odd sensations he previously experienced while in the vehicle.

BFG 9000’s ‘High 85’ So Awesome It Will Make You Do the ‘High 85’


We love the quirkiness of Barton F. Graf 9000’s work for Little Caesar. BFG just has a wonderful way of capturing the mundane and turning it into something really interesting. The High 85? WTF? Like how do you even begin to think in a way that allows you to arrive at oddball hilarity like the High 85? Brilliant.

A second spot takes the simple expression of “Ohhh” and turns it into a cavalcade of silliness that’s just this side of stupid.

The agency has done a fantastic job bringing to life the oddity of the brand’s Little Caesars “pizza pizza” character. And they’ve made pizza ads fun to watch again.

The Challenges of Lactation and International Advertising [Infographic]


You’ve got to love the way the online education segment markets themselves. They’ve jumped on the whole infographic thing and are producing copious amounts of infographic content customized to various industries. We’ve receive quite a few infographics from online colleges over the last several year and, for the most part, they are valuable and informative.

This infographic from International Business Degree Guide is all about the faux pauxs that can occur when translating work to and from differing cultures. The infographic takes a look at languages challenges (Got Milk’s “Are You Lactating?”) culture (black face is OK in Thailand but not in America) and color (black connotes expensive and powerful in Asia).

International Marketing

This Cosmetics Company Thinks Putting on Makeup is Like Having an Orgasm


Nowhere near as funny as the original, Benefit Cosmetics is out with “Real Women Don’t Fake It,” a video whose subject matter is exactly what you think it is. But it doesn’t come close to the hilarity of the original which actually kept you guessing a bit longer than does this sophomore effort.

This second outing, which features Kristin Cavallari, Carmen Electra and Kyle Richards, aims to poke fun at the funny faces women sometimes make when applying makeup. While that may be true, orgasmic facial expressions probably don’t fall into that category.
OK, maybe.

Where the original spoofed the notion that men proudly flaunt their manhood, this follow up doesn’t carry the same…ahem…heft.

Lynx Says Women Wants Men And Boys (In the Same Body)


In a strange new, Droga5 Sydney-created commercial for Lynx (Axe), we are told women want men and boys in the same body. Why? Because we are told boys dream of being men and men dream of being boys and, yes, women long for both…at the same time…in the same body.

So like Lynx is marketing to the man-child and they think using their product will attract ladies who want a man and a boy…at the same time…in the same body?

Ladies, care to comment?

Lynx Says Women Want Men And Boys (In the Same Body)


In a strange new, Droga5 Sydney-created commercial for Lynx (Axe), we are told women want men and boys in the same body. Why? Because we are told boys dream of being men and men dream of being boys and, yes, women long for both…at the same time…in the same body.

So like Lynx is marketing to the man-child and they think using their product will attract ladies who want a man and a boy…at the same time…in the same body?

Ladies, care to comment?

This Mitsubishi is So Cheap You’ll Have Enough Leftover Money to Hire an Opera Trio For Your Commute


There are many things with which you can amuse yourself during your commute to work but hiring an opera singer to accompany you to work every day is, well, out of the realm of normalcy. But not for those who own the new, 2014 Mitsubishi Mirage which get 64 miles per gallon and costs just $12,498 and, it would seem, have the extra cash laying around to hire the aforementioned opera singer for commuting entertainment.

The ad comes to us from Canadian agency john st.

Man Attempts to Sell One Pixel For $1 Million, Hopes For Million Dollar Homepage Fame


This is so not news but neither was Alex Tew’s Million Dollar Homepage…until it actually became a million dollar homepage. So, stranger things have happened which is why we’re going to tell you about The Guy Who Fucked the Million Dollar Homepage. Yes, you read that right.

A guy named Bernd Zikulnig, a pilot, aims to sell one pixel for $1 million. If you recall, Alex Tew sold one million pixels for $1 each. How Zikulnig thinks he can get one advertiser to spend $1 million on one pixel (which you won’t even be able to see) is questionable but, then again, it’s not the pixel that has value. It’s the publicity that surrounds the stunt.

Maybe nothing will come of this. Maybe it will trump Alex Tew’s Million Dollar Homepage. All we can tell you is that strange things happen in marketing. Things come out of left field. And this one is certainly a left fielder.

Seemingly very humble and keenly aware of the unlikely success of selling one pixel for $1 million, Zikulnig writes, “The idea from Alex Tew to sell one million pixels for $1 each was genius. Really a lot of people have tried to copy his idea, with no success. But to sell one pixel for 1,000,000 USD would be incredible and unique in advertising-and internet history for ever. So unbelievable and crazy that nobody has ever tried it until now. I believe it’s possible! Let’s see, if I am right.”

Indeed. Let’s see if he’s right.

Claire Danes’ Audi Adventure Reunites Her With ‘My So-Called Life’ Love


If you decide to watch this four minute Mediacom-created Audi ad that touts the vehicle’s awesome gas mileage and which features Homeland star Claire Danes, you’ll have to wait until the very end for the payoff. But if you were a fan of Danes when she played Angela Chase on My So-Called Life, you’ll absolutely love it.

This Grandmother Gives New Meaning to ‘Drag and Drop’


In this kitschy but hilarious ad for Russian telecommunications company, Beeline, we are reminded of the digital divide that sometimes occurs between generations. Russian ad agency Red Pepper has created a recruitment ad of sorts for Beeline that illustrates how difficult it can be talking to your grandparents about certain topics.

Laura Spencer French Kisses ‘The Rainbow’ in Skittles Ad


Remember when you used to swap gum when kissing? Wait, you never did that? It was just me? Am I the only gross one in the crowd? Do I need to go see a psychoanalyst to determine how my childhood antics steered me towards a career in which I bitterly bitch and rant about things like some kind of depressed loser angry at the entire world for dealing me this deck of cards?

God, I need help!

Wait, what? It’s OK to suck face with the cutie of your choosing and swap the contents of your mouth with one another? Oh thank God! Not, wait! Thank Skittles! Yes, thank you so much Skittles (and, OK, you too, DDB Chicago) for putting to rest my decades-old hang ups and, once again, allowing me to feel justified in expressing my burning desire to walk up to cute girls and suck the Skittles out of their mouth.

Facebook Bans Boobs Again, Can’t Tell Difference Between Birds And Boobs


Let’s just put it out there. Facebook is very puritanical when it comes to breastfeeding and boobs. The social network just can’t handle the fact they are a part of life. The most recent “offense” to Facebook’s distaste for boobs was illustrated when it banned an an for Christmas Island’s Bird’n’Nature Week.

Wait, what? Yes, you read that right. Facebook banned an ad promoting a nature appreciation week. The ad from the Australian island invited eco-tourists to come appreciate the island’s offerings, specifically, the Red-footed Booby, the Brown Booby and the Abbott Booby. Yes, they banned the ad because they didn’t like the fact these birds are referred to as Boobies.

OK, OK, it might have been the ad’s suggestive headline which read,”Some gorgeous shots here of some juvenile boobies.” Facebook claims the ad breached the site’s guidelines by “addressing the age, gender or sexual orientation of users on Facebook.” Wait. So Facebook users are birds? We’re confused.

And so is Linda Cash, marketing manager for the Christmas Island Tourism Association who said,”We presumed our original advert was blocked automatically so we appealed to Facebook directly who re-affirmed the campaign was banned due to the sexual language, particularly the use of the word ‘boobies.'”

And, perhaps, driving home the point Facebook just might be a little over-bearing when it comes to analyzing an ad’s content, Sam Collins, founder of London-based Ethos Travel which offers trips to Christmas Island said, “By blocking the tourist boards campaign, one of the world’s great eco-tourism destinations is being deprived of its lifeline because someone at Facebook cannot comprehend that a Booby is a bird.”