Yes. Cannes Is Reduced to A Fart Joke


Damn. These Cannes Young Lions videos are all over the place! Make it stop! Please!

Only in Advertising Can Plaid Skirts Be Twisted Into Selling Point


We’ve heard of Plaid Skirt Marketing before but we’ve never really thought much about the agency or its name.

Nebraska Punk’d Into Ugly License Plate Design


So the Nebraska design community is up in arms over the state’s new license plate design calling it “boring, uninspired and ugly.”

World’s Longest Burp An Oxfam Commercial


This is absolutely the most hilarious and disgusting (at the same time) thing we’ve seen in forever.

Nivea Helps Ladies Lose Undies


This ad will make you laugh. If it doesn’t, you are way too uptight and your standards for advertising excellence are too high.

Bikini Bowling. Yes, It’s Another Strange Japanese Ad


If there’s one thing the Japanese appear to be obsessed with when it comes to game shows and advertising, it’s attractive women in bikinis.

Della Offends, Food Talks, Logos Wanted, Texting Pays Off


Yawn. Twitter all aflutter over supposedly sexist Dell website.

Sports Journalist Obsessed With Hot Volleyball Player in Ad


Wow. And you thought we obsessed over the beautiful people who appear in advertisements?

Do Not Eat This If You Don’t Want to Be A Doofus


If ever there were a commercial which made us not want to be associated with the product being advertised, it would be this one.

British Retailer Apologizes For Over Charging Big Breasted Women


Hmm. So U.K retailer Marks & Spencer runs an ad to apologize for charging more for its larger sized bras.

Matthew Williamson Jumps the Shark For HM


Like David Lynch realizing he’s got nothing new to offer and Tiesto mourning the passing of his glory days, English fashion designer Matthew Williamson is previewing his demise in this new commercial hyping his new line of clothing for H&M.

Open Wide. Insert Phallic Symbol. Add DuckZilla. Get….Weirdness


If it weren’t for Japan, advertising would be pretty boring.

It’s Like A Fireman Came in Your Mouth


We like to think our Adrants headlines, on occasion, are snark-filled gems of wit and pithiness but this particular headline wasn’t written by us.

Heartbeat + Shaky Camera + Drug Addled Hipsters = NATO Huh?


Yea. Give this a watch and let us know why the hell it looks like a bunch of kidnapped hipsters end up happily raving the thump of a DJ.

Our Balls Are Crunchier Than Yours


There’s just something wrong with food that resembles left over KFC chicken breading that’s congealed to the point where it’s nothing more than a fat-laden ball of over-cooked floor scraps.

Sasquatch is Back For Jack Link’s Beef Jerky


Three years ago, Sasquatch wandered the woods for Jack Link’s Beef Jerky. Now he’s dancing atop an iPhone for Living Sasquatch

What the Un**** is This?


Free millions of something if you can figure this site out. Described as “In The Netherlands, Lily Allen’s new single is called F*ck You!,

Ska Brewing Introduces Rotgutzen, A Beer For Babies


Yes, you read that right. Beer for babies.

Don’t Get All Weepy About This ‘Save the Polar Bear’ Ad Just Yet


Ever watch one of those teaser type commercials that clearly points on the direction of some weepy cause-related effort?

Act Now! Visit Soul Wow And Confess Your Sins!


It’s a sad fact infomercials work. They scream at you. They assault you with cheesy graphics. They pummel you over and over again with a call to action.