In an Absolut world… lemons and pears get steamy?

TBWA\Chiat\Day, New York bring us more fresh Absolut work. Fresh and fruity. What does this look like to you? Is that the idea? Is it streams as in streamlined or streams of steam as in steamy? Why do I even bother trying to figure this out? I need a stiff drink that does not taste like clam juice right now, thanks bartender.

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Zoo York & Jenna Jameson do skateboards.

(Click on the image to get to the full ad)
Jenna Jameson’s limited edition skateboard deck is on sale soon, and this ad created by davidandgoliath shows what you can do with it. 😉

Agency : davidandgoliath
Illustrator: Carlos Baragli
Chief Creative Officer: David Angelo
Executive Creative Director: Colin Jeffery
Copywriter(s): Gabriel Jeffrey & Federico Callegari

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Big Big bubble-gum does “pop-up” magazine ad.

Leo Burnett, São Paulo, Brazil demonstrate that Big Big bubblegum allows you to make really big bubbles with this “pop-up” effect magazine ad.

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Thrifty’s sweaty steamy Valentine’s message

JWT Sydney, Australian, sends us this Valentine, reminding us to be thrifty, for their client Thrifty car & truck rentals. Crew: Jay Benjamin/Andy DiLallo ECD’s, Brendan Donnelly, AD and Jason Ross, Copywriter.

NutrientWater wishes you extra stamina this Valentine’s day.

DDB Melbourne, Australia shows off how very nimble these people are….

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Burger King: Open Late, Death, Pleasure, Whatsherface & Pimps (Posters) Canada

Bleublancrouge, Montreal, Canada have some more fun with Burger King. See ads inside.

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Ooops Fake Rolex/ Dirty Housewife/ Bank of Tanzania (Poster) Belgium

Here’s what is labelled an “outdoor campaign” by Duval Guillaume Brussels, I emailed and asked them where this ran because when I first saw the ads I misinterpreted them a little. I even went to to try and get wiser but there’s nothing much on that site to be honest (except a great long list of ad agency clients under references, so I guess this means we need to pass ooops’ spamfilter if we want to contact ad geeks in Belgium!) I blame my misunderstanding on my severe geek streak though, see inside.

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Hyundai – Fly – (print) Belgium

Why do flies stick to your windshield like that? Hmmm? Duval Guillaume offer their explanation inside.

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Bleublancrouge advertises BK Joe, with very sharp objects…..

So what’s going on here and what does it have to do with a cup of joe? Hmm? Leave it to Bleublancrouge Montreal, Canada to make a connection between really sharp stuff and BK Joe.

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Truth Anti-tobacco “Remove one”

The posse at Trial DDB in Dallas did this ad for TRUTH, an anti tobacco group. “Remove one” it says. Your choice, which one? Hmm?
Creds go to ECD Brian Darby CD Jeff Bagley AD Steve Laing and copywriter Kim Frandsen.

Petra Nemcova advertises Rampage jeans, but forgot her top.

Definitions of rampage

  • violently angry and destructive behavior
  • act violently, recklessly, or destructively
  • What the advertiser hopes men will go on as they raid stores for their own pair of Rampage jeans, after seeing Sports Illustrated model Petra Nemcova topless wearing nothing but said skin tight Rampage jeans and heels.

    I dunno, I’m guessing that’s the plan anyway.

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  • Amnesty double billboard “Scream” – give voice to those who have none.

    Publicis Mojo Auckland, New Zealand, took advantage of a poster site where the billboards were one above the other to illustrate their idea for Amnesty international: “you lead your voice to those who can’t be heard.” See inside for clever use of media.

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    Montreal Gazette says ELVIS LIVES! Or, how to use a tri-action billboard for full effect

    Seriously cute way of using a tri-action billboards changing ways done here by ad Agency Bleublancrouge, Montreal, Canada.

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    Teknograd – Keeping your computer safe – Posters, Norway

    Here’s another campaign from ad agency 2008scandinavia for the Norwegian Mac Support company Teknograd. This particular example reminded me of the excellent pass time blog Skull-A-Day. Must go make skulls now, ta-ta.

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    Breast Cancer Awareness, you get it from everything , Malaysia

    Breast Cancer Awareness and Saatchi& Saatchi, Malaysia would like to remind us all that you get cancer from pretty much every-dang-thing, ever. Or not.
    As scary as this is to read, it won’t get me into one of those breast crushing machines. Ever notice that whenever they speak about Breast Cancer on the news they always show some middle-aged woman getting her mammaries crushed in that thing?* You don’t see the news showing the doctor snap on a plastic glove and say “now this won’t hurt a bit” or the actual embarrasing examination when they talk about prostate cancer. No fair.

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    Hubba Bubba “gum by numbers” posters, Australia

    Hubba Bubba wants to “keep Australia beautiful” and to encourage people to do something nice with their used gum rather than just spit it out on the street. So they did this clever wild poster campaign with “paint by numbers”… er, no wait “gum by numbers” art for gum addicts to stick their colorful globs of gum on instead.

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    World Wildlife Fund – empty outdoor billboards… Or are they?

    Over in Norway, this current outdoor poster campaign for WWF-campaign created by 2008scandinavia might look empty at first glance.. But wait, isn’t there something teeny tiny just barely visible right there in the poster..? Lets take a closer look shall we?

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    TCM supports the writers strike – Print (Spain)

    Vitruvio Leo Burnett Madrid and TCM/Turner Classic Movies show ‘support’ (major air quotes going on here) for the Current writers strike. Click the image for full ad which just has a lot of crumpled white space really.

    Oh, and it ain’t over until the fat lady sings. MMMmkay?

    In a message sent to members at mid-day Sunday, WGA West president Patric Verrone and WGA East prexy Michael Winship said, “The facts: we are still in talks and do not yet have a contract. When and if a tentative agreement is reached, the first thing we will do is alert our membership with an e-mail message. Until then, please disregard rumors about either the existence of an agreement or its terms.”

    Thanks WGA Strike Blog at Variety.

    Credits: ECD, Rafa Antón, Art Director, Sergio Lobo , Copywriter Francisco Cassis

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    Sanyo “tide” poster ambient ad shows off video camera’s skills – (New Zealand)

    This neat little billboard created by Saatchi & Saatchi Auckland used the tide to demonstrate their point about the new Sanyo video camera…….

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    Volkswagen van is 60 years old. Retro ad campaign nod to Bernbach. Print – France

    DDB Paris nods to Bernbach’s Classic Volkswagen campaign with this one, which celebrates the Volkswagen van turning 60 years old. Click on the images to ge pretty big ones where you can read all the copy.

    See the rest of the ads inside.

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