Art Director Creatively Turns Portfolio into Passport

Resumes are boring. Nobody likes to read them, especially not the people who may actually be able to hire you, even – and especially – if you use a cool font. But, making your resume stand out with a creative hook is a smart strategy to get some eyeballs looking at what you’ve done. Miruna Macri, who is an Art Director from Miami Ad School, and not, as you may be thinking, an alliterative character from the Harry Potter series, decided to turn her standard portfolio into a passfolio. It’s one of those ideas that makes you wonder how somebody didn’t think of it already. Instead of having visa stamps, Macri used the space to mark down her work experience. The other details are explained in the brief video above. Best of all, she “lost” 20 copies of the passfolio in offices of New York agencies. Very cool – French Amazon product page guy (Philippe Dubost, aka Phil Dub) has some competition.

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