Head of The A.P. Criticizes Seizure of Phone Records

Gary Pruitt said the Obama administration’s handling of a leak investigation had already diminished journalists’ capacity to report on the government.


Book Looks Behind the Scenes at Fox

“The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies,” by Jonathan Alter, includes a chapter on Fox’s influence on the 2012 presidential campaign.


Canadian Official in U.S. to Push Keystone XL

Alison Redford, the Alberta premier, said critics of the Keystone XL project had exaggerated the impact of developing the oil.


‘The Bible’ Producers Deny Suggested Obama Link

The producers of the hit History Channel mini-series scoffed Monday at suggestions that an actor who plays Satan resembles President Obama.

Media Decoder Blog: Geithner to Write Book on Financial Crisis

Timothy F. Geithner, the former Treasury secretary, will write the book for Crown Books, a Random House imprint.

Media Decoder Blog: The First Strike in the Roger Ailes Book Wars

In an excerpt from “Roger Ailes: Off Camera,” Mr. Ailes, the head of the Fox News Channel, takes aim at Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Newt Gingrich, among others.

Woodward Clashes With White House and Conservatives Take Note

Conservatives have long considered Bob Woodward a scourge for helping to break the Watergate scandal, but this week many lauded his account of a dispute with the White House over his fiscal coverage.

Media Decoder Blog: Media Companies, on Defensive About Violence, Plan Campaign on Parental Control

Entertainment companies are responding to criticism that violence in film and on television has contributed to a culture of violence in the country.