Jamie McCann has more than 12 years of experience as a recruiter in the advertising industry, and 10 more working in agencies. Currently, he’s the Executive Senior Partner at the Lucas Group’s Orange County office — the agency has been pairing advertising and marketing professionals with jobs for 38 years. We asked Jamie to put together a list of dos and don’ts about working with a recruiter in the current economic climate. Below are seven detailed guidelines for getting the most out of your recruiter(s).
As we begin 2009, many executives may be finding themselves looking for a new job…some by their own fruition and while others may be forced to do so due some unfortunate recent downsizing. Certainly the advertising industry has not been immune from the cutbacks hitting Corporate America. And while it’s never easy to find a job in tough economic times, it can be easier to undertake with the help of a headhunter/recruiter.
Work With an Expert
1. If you don’t take anything else away from this article, remember: work with a recruiter who is an expert in your industry. Every successful recruiter is just that, successful, because they focus all their energy in one niche. It doesn’t make sense to work with one who “brags” about working in advertising and accounting and construction and IT.
Why would you want to work with one who isn’t a specialist? You don’t call your plumber when your cable TV goes out, do you? And, if you find a recruiter that is dedicated and works exclusively in your area of expertise, you’ll be much, much better off. For example, I solely recruit for and with the strategic development minds, not the creative departments. Think of it this way — when you’re re-doing your kitchen, you want the cabinet maker to build cabinets not install the sink. Sure, both are kitchen-related projects but…you get the picture.
Now let’s take it one step further: if you can find a headhunter who has had personal experience in the area you’re looking for yourself, you’re golden. Reason being, they have been in your shoes. They have either been the one hiring or the one looking for a job, so they should ‘get it’.
Focus on Your Niche
2. So, how do you find a recruiter who is so narrowly focused? Simple, just ask. Ask a trusted colleague. Ask your boss. You could even ask a recruiter. If that recruiter is not in your specific field, they should be able to refer you to one that is. Another way is to use one of the professional online social networking sites like Linked In. There are thousands of recruiters on that site alone. Also, you can Google keywords like: Recruiter, Advertising, Account Management.
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More: “No Wukkas: The Best Headhunters In The Business“
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