Planet Kids, Bangalore’s leading playschool chain wanted an invite to announce their Annual Day celebrations. This invite would be given to students and their parents. The objective was to create excitement around the event and get their kids buzzing.

So we decided to create something out-of-the-ordinary, something that would engage their students and get them to transfer the buzz onto their parents. And voila, the ‘hand puppet’ invite was born!

The invite soon became the children’s new, favourite toy and kept them entertained long after the event.

Advertising Agency: Happy, Bangalore, India
CEO & Executive Creative Director : Kartik Iyer
Chief Creative Officer : Praveen Das
Creative Director: Carl Savio
Illustrator: Nalisha Chouraria
Copywriter: Megha Ramesh
Art Director: Shatrughan R
Account Executive:  Ajay Kumar





Case Video:

World’s Cheapest Annual Report : by Happy Creative

Maraa is an NGO that employs  media and art to influence  the society’s quality of life, health and livelihood. They wanted an annual report that would not only sum up their year but also express everything they stand for.

We took inspiration from the word ‘maraa’, meaning ‘tree’ in Kannada, and the fact that they are an NGO that works towards bettering society. Keeping this in mind we came up with a solution that was cost-effective and eco-friendly.

A single color design was created that could be reproduced using a simple photocopier or even by the most basic printer. All their information was made to fit on a single sheet to reduce wastage of both paper and ink. Folded many times over, it became a small portable booklet – that makes this the world’s cheapest annual report.

Their 10 page report was condensed into a single sheet of paper with a design that lent itself to easy reproduction in large numbers. The cost of 3000 copies, that would have normally amounted to Rs. 1,05,000 (approx $2100) was brought down to under $200. It embodied everything that the organization believes in; and demonstrated the same to existing and potential donors.

Advertising Agency: Happy, Bangalore, India
Chief Creative Officer : Praveen Das
Executive Creative Director : Kartik Iyer
Design/ Art Direction / Illustrator : Nalisha Chouraria
Copywriter : Megha Ramesh
Studio Artist : Irfan Haji
Account Management / Planner : Ravi Bhat

Case Video: