Could You Climb a Slippery Plane Wing to Complete This Mission Impossible Obstacle Course?

If you wish you could be like Mission Impossible’s Ethan Hunt, here’s a fun bit of stunt marketing for you.

To promote Rogue Nation, the fifth movie in the franchise, agency Grandesign set up a spy-thriller- inspired obstacle course for passersby in Hollywood over July 4th weekend.

The accompanying case study video shows Simon Pegg, who plays IMF agent Benji Dunn in the Mission Impossible movies, serving as the emcee for a set of reality-TV-style challenges. A dozen or so contestants end up chasing down a specific briefcase in a plaza full of businessmen; swimming through a winding tank to unlock an underwater box; climbing soaking wet up a slippery, wobbly, and inclined plane wing (or falling into the foam pit beside it); and ultimately rappelling from a third story walkway.

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Who, you might ask, are all these upbeat athletic people, with approachable good looks and a vaguely representative demographic spread, who are happy to drop whatever they’re doing to go gallivanting through some movie marketing campaign?

Grandesign insists, for its part, that the participants were real and random. But it’s almost impossible to ever believe these elaborately produced events are not staged—or at least heavily manipulated—in all aspects from concept to set design to casting, and so forth.

Regardless, the contestants with the best times did get a trip to the red carpet premiere in Vienna, Austria as proven by an on-site photo-op with Tom Cruise—which also happens to reveal the true criterion for participating: be pretty, so long as you’re not prettier than he is.

Volkswagen Parking

Afin de vanter les mérites de l’entrepôt automatisé Volkswagen à Wolfsburg, la marque allemande a décidé d’en dévoiler des clichés. Ce parking, que l’on a pu découvrir dans le film Mission Impossible 4, est une tour impressionnante de 20 étages automatisée.




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