Y&R Enlists Three Artists to Paint Murals in the New Columbus Circle Office
Posted in: UncategorizedContinuing the inspiring agency art wall trend is Y&R New York, which recently moved from 285 Madison Ave to 3 Columbus Circle. To “celebrate advertising as the intersection of art and commerce,” Y&R brought in three artists, each with a unique aesthetic. Shantell Martin works with black pen, letting it lead the way. She draws sweeping lines and then revisits the work, adding details within. Ever draws faces surrounded by blocks of color, which for Y&R shows the process of ideation. Maya Hayuk takes Ever-style work to the next level, making abstract murals entirely of patchworked colors.
You guys freaked out about Arnold NYC’s recent mural, and I’m curious if this seems any less twee or irrelevant. I think the consideration of an everyday environment and the integration of art is important, and if nothing else, we can consider this a visual celebration as summer draws to a close. Who doesn’t like a party?
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