Culinary Assistants – Interactive Digital Cooking Aid (GALLERY)

( Hannah Plevin designed a very convenient device she calls an Interactive Digital Cooking Aid. This is a foldable, wall-mounted device with a fully adjustable, removable screen and a scale which comes with a 2 kg handling capacity.

It allows you to download your favorite recipes from the internet a…

Cancer Survivor Branded Booze – Cleavage Creek’s Charity Wine

( Mother’s Day is coming up and Napa’s Cleavage Creek Cellars will celebrate this day by releasing the 2006 Reserve Chardonnay and the Secret White wines which are two of their world class wines. The bottles will be sold for $15 instead of the usual $30 to $40 and 10 percent of the gross sales of the …

$1,000 Sushi – Foie Gras High Roller at Koi

( I’m a passionate sushi connoisseur, but even I couldn’t fathom spending $1,000 on a roll. Apparently the chefs at Koi in New York didn’t have customers like me in mind when concocting the High Roller, an ultra luxury sushi roll stuffed with foie gras.

The outside of the roll is wrapped in langoust…

Reclaimed Wood Vehicles – Diederick Kraaijeveld’s Wood Cars (GALLERY)

( Diederick Kraaijeveld is a self-taught artist who makes cars out of salvaged wood. Kraaijeveld’s cars measure approximately 50 inches and are made of wood he finds during traveling throughout Holland and abroad.

Kraaijeveld does not use any paint as every piece of his vehicles is made out of genui…

Sogginess Preventing Cereal Bowls – EatMeCrunchy (GALLERY)

( Here’s an invention that even a Chief Trend Hunter would enjoy! If you’ve ever taken cereal to work or school, you know you either have to pack the milk separately or deal with blobs of sogginess hardly resemblant of the Cheerios you poured in that morning. Finally there’s a solution.

The cereal l…

Soda Bottle Furniture – Chairs & Toys

( Designer Jinhong Lin cuts the recycling cycle short by allowing you to instantly convert your soda bottles into a stool or table. I am not sure how comfortable this stool would be, but the table variation looks pretty neat!

Chairs & Toys needs 16 bottles with a standard size neck. You can use it as…

$170 Junkfood – Burger King Kobe Beefburger

( Fast food is generally also cheap food, that’s what gave chains like McDonalds their appeal… so why would Burger King deviate from that by launching a $166 cheeseburger? Specifically, the £85 Kobe beefburger.

Maybe offering a slab of fancy shmancy Japanese luxury beef topped with foie gras and …

$14,000 Ceiling Insects – Bee Wall Sconce (GALLERY)

( This bee wall sconce is beautiful, but do you know anyone that would really pay $14,000 to stick a sparkling insect on their ceiling? Granted people pay more than that for luxurious Italian light fixtures, but then it tends to be from a well known Milan designer of platinum and diamonds.

The bees …

Lavatories for Lushes – Combo Urinals & Vomit Receptacles

( Spotted at the Golden Times bar in Guangzhou, China is this fabulous new innovation in nightclub urinals. This hip combo-unit allows patrons to throw up at the same time as they take a leak, thus a return to the bar.

Elite Social Networking – VIP Status on the Web

( What is seemingly a contradiction is catching on as exclusive social networking sites are gaining popularity amongst the wealthy. Participation in sites such as aSmallWorld, Diamond Lounge and has more than doubled since last year as the computer savvy, rich people of the world are striving…

Digital Religion – Pope Reaches Out With Text Messages

( For his age, it’s incredible how modern Pope Benedict XVI is. In his latest approach to expand his global appeal, the Pope is reaching out to youth by sending out thousands of text messages with inspirational messages.

“We wanted to make WYD08 a unique experience by using new ways to connect with …

Movies About Celebrity Pets – Beverly Hills Chihuahua (VIDEO)

( In honor of the fascination with tiny, rodent-sized dogs, specifically Tea Cup Chihuahuas, a new Hollywood movie spoofing the craze is making its way to the big screen. The Beverly Hills Chihuahua trailer just made its online debut yesterday and already it’s making waves in the media.

Some reviews…

Cars of 2045 – The Vortex Concept (GALLERY)

( As you may have guessed, the Vortex is a concept car. The idea was to create a small vehicle that can provide the security of a big car. The external structure of this vehicle is composed of hexagonal polyforms (Wikipedia says “a polyform is a plane figure constructed by joining together identical b…

Cell Phone Hand Gestures – Playing Samsung: Express Yourself (VIDEO)

( Samsung Canada has unveiled a brilliant campaign that uses Samsung mobile phones to construct expressive hand gestures. The Playing Samsung: Express Yourself campaign, which was created by Creative Agency Cheil Worldwide, Toronto, consists of print ads, outdoor billboards and TV spots.

The hand ges…

Tees for Trees – Carlos Miele for the Rainforest Foundation (GALLERY)

( Want to plant trees to help the planet but don’t have time to go and dig in the dirt? The good news it, you can support the cause while keeping your nails clean with one of these adorable Tees for Trees designed by Carlos Miele.

The collection by the Brazilian designer features unique prints creat…

Gem-Filled Watches – Vlad Icobet’s Shine

( The Shine, designed by Vlad Icobet, is a high tech watch which combines luxury and fashion with advanced materials. The concept watch, which is made of ceramic filled with white gemstones, uses an advanced touch-sensitive laser technology system.

This is what I’d call bangin’ high-tech bling.

DIY Home Night Clubs – Disco Designer (VIDEO)

( If you like the idea of installing a European-style, in-home lounge and your very own disco at home, Disco Designer will be more than happy to help. The business, which has an online store, will install unbreakable LED Disco-Panel Bubbles that can be affixed on any wall or floor. These lights pulse …

Sketchy Slum Tours – Rio Favela Trafficking Tours

( A lot of exotic destinations, including Rio de Janeiro, have two sides to them: the beautiful, touristy side shown in the media, and the “real,” sketchier side.

Not everyone wants the postcard experience; in fact, some companies are actually paid to set up traffickers and tourists. Private Tours, …

Celebrity Animals – Rare Black Jaguar Cub (GALLERY)

( Remember Knut, the lovable white polar bear cub at the Berlin Zoo? Now there’s another adorable baby animal on the scene. This tiny black jaguar cub is the third of his species to be born in captivity. At a glance he looks like a black panther, but if you look closely at his fur, you’ll notice he ha…

Amphibious Pod Vehicles – Cerva MC08

( The Cerva MC08 is an oval-shaped concept transport vehicle designed to be used as a car, a motorcycle, a jet plane and a submarine. It was designed by a very creative team consisting of designers Michal Cerva, Jiri Bicik, Jana Kunstova, Marketa Schindlerova, and Jan Zof,

As stated, this ambitious …