Fitzroy Changes its Interior Annually (And Throws a Party)

Amsterdam creative agency Fitzroy changes its interior every year. This accomplishes two goals. First, it reinforces their philosophy that “It is not the strongest brand that survives nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” Secondly, it provides an excuse to throw a party.

Until recently the walls at Fitzroy were still covered with RGB wallpaper courtesy of Italian artist duo Carnovsky. To change things up for the new year, Fitzroy left their interior in the hands of Some Quality Meat: “a directory for high quality tattoo inspiration.” According to Fitzroy, “SQM got into our ship with captain Kim Papanatos Rense because of his astonishing style of tattooing: Etching & Pointtillism.” So, Fitzroy asked Kim to create re-designs of six traditional nautical icons and combine them with graphic geometric shapes. The graphic art not only adorned the walls, but also was used for a set of tableware now on sale at Fitzroy.

To celebrate the redesign, Fitzroy invited over 600 friends, customers and partners to their offices for what seems like a pretty sweet party where the agency served Bacardi, Heineken, Ben & Jerry’s and Doritos (all of which are clients of the agency). For more on the redesign and subsequent party, check out the video above.


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