Apple's New Ads Won't Sell You on an iPhone 6, Which Is Fine Since Everyone Already Bought One

Remember when Apple’s ads were more about witty repartee than about how its devices could alter the fate of humanity for the better?

With its newest ads, heralding the phone’s newest iteration and its jumbo sibling, the iPhone6 Plus, the brand seems to be calling back to the Get a Mac days of good-natured ribbing by showing owners of each phone bickering about what makes them great.

Unlike the era of John Hodgman and Justin Long, we don’t see the people behind the voices this time around. Instead, we gaze in wonder upon the phones while they do iPhone-y stuff like editing photos, playing videos and firing up apps you’ll soon forget to keep using.

The ads aren’t quite as charming as Get a Mac, nor as cinematic as the Your Verse spots. And the visuals aren’t quite as memorable as the equally minimalist by stylistically superior “Stickers” ad for the MacBook Air. 

Luckily, with iPhone 6 sales already shattering records, these ads probably exist less to sell hardware than to keep Samsung from dominating the entirety of YouTube.

Hodgman fans flesh out his mole-man army

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/ppIn a season rich with religious celebration, it’s good to know someone is honoring a href=””AdFreak’s patron saint/a, John Hodgman. While best known for his “I’m a PC” acting work, Hodgman’s talents are truly on display in his writing, most notably his 2005 book emThe Areas of My Expertise/em. Now, his follow-up tome, a href=””emMore Information Than You Require/em/a, has sparked an ambitious fan effort known as the a href=””700 Mole-Men Project/a. Artists around the world are challenged to illustrate each of the 700 mole-men whose names are listed in Hodgman’s new book. The endeavor is a natural evolution of the a href=””700 Hoboes Project/a, which helped visualize Hodgman’s bizarre appendix in emThe Areas of My Expertise/em. So, if you’ve got some artistic skill and a desire to stake your claim in the pantheon of history’s greatest mole-men, post your creation on Flickr and add it to the a href=””700 Mole-Men Group/a. Oh, and consider buying Hodgman’s book. It offers advice on such weighty topics as “how to cook owls” and “how to be a famous minor television celebrity.” The man speaks from experience. I hear his braised owl is to die for. brbrem—Posted by David Griner /em/pdiv class=”feedflare”
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