BBDO NY and Joe Montana Stay Strong for AT&T

In a campaign scheduled to culminate with tonight’s first-ever College Football Championship, BBDO New York focuses on a single fact for client AT&T: the provider offers customers “the nation’s strongest LTE signal.”

This is not a new claim from AT&T, which began promoting the superiority of its LTE systems over a year ago and now states that its LTE “footprint” is larger than all of its competitors’.

But the “strength” concept did allow the agency to riff on a theme with the help of four retired football legends. In the first spot, “Mental Strength,” Herschel Walker pulls a Jedi mind trick on Doug Flutie:

The second spot rearranges the group to put another veteran in the hot seat.


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F**k Cancer: Friends of Nate Naylor Exceed Fundraising Goal

Nate NaylorCreative director Nate Naylor, who’s worked at the likes of W+K Amsterdam and Modernista! during his career, was recently diagnosed with lymphoma cancer and some friends set up a fundraising page to help pay for his astronomical medical bills. The response has been very positive: with 74 days left, they have already surpassed their goal by almost $15,000.

The fundraising effort was organized by Chris McPherson, Scott Murphy, and Jeff Church, who report that Nate had surgery back in October and “is currently into his 4th treatment of Chemo.” McPherson, Murphy, and Church, however, remain confident that Nate will beat lymphoma, noting that Naylor is “tough as nails and his attitude has been upbeat.”

While Naylor faces a tough holiday season in the hospital receiving chemo treatments, he can rest assured that he has the support of friends and colleagues. And before you feel too sorry for the guy, remember that he dated Scarlett Johansson for awhile.

Update: The above comment was meant ironically, and intended solely to inject some lightness into a very depressing subject (and not, in any way, to make light of Nate’s condition). I apologize if this offended anyone, especially those close to Nate. We here at Agency Spy wish Nate all the best, and a quick and full recovery.

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